Christian Borle (Smut)

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im going to hell for you emma  @mikasa_x_laito but i love you so

GillianDemofonte for their christian contest thing (?)


Through the thin curtains, the audience's final roar of applause was deafening. I was awkwardly stationed alone backstage, the rest of the cast and ensemble on stage for a final bow. I was a new journalist for, having just been promoted from an internship position. My boss decided it was a good first mission to interview the cast of Something Rotten during their post-show high. It shouldn't be too hard, though I was starting to doubt myself as I heard the casts' loud conversations as they came off stage.

I smiled at a few of the ensemble members I met earlier, they were sweet as could be. I managed to get a few minutes of audio with them before I finally saw the leads emerge from the small crowd. I struggled to not start screaming at the sight of Brian d'Arcy James. I took a few small steps closer, quickly introducing myself and asking a few questions. He smiled and politely answered all of them, and I immediately felt bad for keeping him waiting in his costume. 

I felt awkward and small again as he walked away, looking around for anyone else to interview. I caught a few people as they left the theater,  too distracted and nervous to remember their names after they walked away. I was pushing my notebook in my bag and preparing to walk out the door when I saw Christian Borle.

I gasped quietly, slightly shocked that he was actually as buff as he looked online. I stood frozen for a moment before gathering my thoughts and dashing over to him. He seemed to be just finishing a conversation with a producer as I tapped his shoulder. He turned around quickly, smiling down at me and opening his mouth to say hello.

"Hey hotsuff!" We both whipped our heads around to see who had yelled. An ensemble member I hadn't gotten to meet was waving at Christian, beckoning him over. The actor cast an apologetic smile at me before jogging away, hugging his friend and walking out of the theater.

I finally let my jaw drop for the first time all night, my shoulders dropping and my glasses slowly sliding down my nose. What the hell just happened?


The next day was entirely uneventful until I was packing to go home. I shut my laptop off as quickly as I could, still feeling a little bitter about the lost interview. My boss had been understanding, saying he knew how hard it could be to talk to actors who just wanted o go home.  I was thankful he didn't fire me, though as an afterthought, I wasn't sure why he would've in the first place.

I pushed my computer into my bag, wrapping up my charger as I heard my boss, Connor Price, call my name.

"Emma! I need to talk to you before you leave. Bring something to write with," He poked his head out the office to see my tired nod. I trudged down the hall, straightening my shoulders in time for him to watch me plop down in a chair and pull a black pen out of my pocket.

He smiled at me, "Listen, Emma, I know you had a hard time last night, and as much as i would rather give this to someone with more experience," I tried not to feel hurt at that comment. " I want you to go to this interview. Tonight at 7 we have something set up with Christian Borle. Angelica was supposed to take it, but obviously she's on vacation until Tuesday, so I want you to go."

I swallowed, blinking rapidly. "You want me to what, sir?"

Connor chuckled. "Don't worry, I already have a list of questions you can ask, and I borrowed a newer audio recorder from Tech so you could get a little better quality. I'm really trusting you with this, Emma. Just be back here at 6 or so, I'll have someone drive and go with you just in case."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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