Chapter 5

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Headache+Hangover= no work at all but the advil I took helped a bit
"What's going on here?" I asked
"M..Mr. Maximilian," I watched as she stumbled over her words fiddling with her fingers
"I ask again" I gave her my death glare "what's going on here."
"Sir this wanna be riff raff was boarding the elevator and I tried to stop her but she slapped me" she stifled a cry
"You lying whore!" Rose shouted
"Ms. Garden" I looked at her pointedly "I didn't say you could speak" I watched as she folded her hands over her chest in the cutest way possible "now granite, continue
"After she slapped me, both of them threatened to kill me" she was now crying
"I see. Ms. Garden and Ms. Goodwin, my office now"
"But boss"
"That's an order" cara left but rose still stood her ground, ahhh what a stubborn woman, is it strange that I find her stubbornness cute, adorable and a total turn on?
"Ms. Garden, I gave you a precise order"
"I know, I just refuse to listen"
"Ms. Garden" this woman was making me loose my temper
"Am not going anywhere until that bitch apologises"
"Damn it rose get to the office"
"But I"
"I said get to the office now!"

The look on her face when I yelled at her broke my heart but it had to be done, I couldn't have employees going against my orders, so I watched as she stumped her feet into the elevator and left

"Well glad that's over with, that girl doesn't deserve to work here, but" she advanced towards me "I know of other ways we could rid that little nuisance" she rubbed my arm
"Ms. Claw" I took her hands from off of me "your fired"
"You can start cleaning out your station"
"Wait", she laughed nervously " is this about little miss unfortunate, do you like her?"
"Leave or I'll have security escort you out" I warned her then turned and walked away. Well one headache down, one heart ache to go.

I walked into the office to see cara and rose walking back and forth biting their nails, if I wasnt pissed right now I would've found it funny
"Ehem, ladies" they jumped at my voice
"Yes boss" answered cara but not rose
"You are dismissed" I sat in my chair with my back to them
"Thank you sir, good luck" I heard her say before leaving
"Now ms. Garden" I turned around to see her on her knees crying
"Am sorry Mr. Maximilian, I never meant to disobey you, its just that I needed someone our something to take my anger out on"
"You do realise that they have gyms for that right?"
"Yes sir, am sorry"
"Hmhmn, I believe you, but never disobey my orders again or you'll find yourself without a job, are we clear?"
"Yes sir," but I'd never really fire her, she's in way too much need
"Now on to showing you where you'll work and what you'll be doing"


After my outburst and disobedience today, I thought I'd be fired for sure but all he said was 'don't ever disobey me again' then I was shown around.

My office was the last place I saw and to my surprise it was white, pure white with a massive amount of space. There was a desk in the corner already stacked with files, a door on the other side which I assume must be the bathroom, a three piece couch in the corner, a perfect view of the city and a water holder. Although the office was white, it was perfectly furbished
"All this is for me?" He just shook his nodded his head
"I don't know what to say"
"Get to work, I need those files by the end of the day" he turned and left
"Yes sir" geez what crawled up his butt and died. I never understood men, they're always weird and don't know what they want, but hey there men, if they were meant to be understood by us, god would've made us a lot more equipped in brain power
'Ahhh work time rose, remember you have to pick up the kids' and with that thought in mind, I sat down and started on the files when my tummy growled 'hm I must be hungry, i wonder when's lunch time'


"Rose, its lunch time"
"Thank god cause I was starving"
"Well let's get going"

Cara and I became good friends being as we have so much in common, she's a great listener and solution finder. She had tall strawberry blond hair that had in red highlights, soft bright friendly blue eyes, moist pink lips that look totally kissable and a well tanned model figure
"So what's the deal with you?"
"What do you mean?" I asked with my mouth full
"Please swallow first, and didn't your mother ever tell you not to eat with your mouth full?"

I stopped eating, instead I begun looking at my hands with the now faded razor blade marks, I knew cara say my expression for she begun apologising
"Am so sorry, I didn't mean to"
"Nah its OK", well it doesn't make sense I keep of to my self now does it? " you see my parents passed six years ago"
"Sorry, it must've been tough being an only child and having your patents leave you"
"Yea it was"


The day held much promise as sixteen year old me skipped down to dads just arriving car
"Rosie my darling, how's your mom?"
"Her tummies getting huge, she even started using it as a table" I whispered and he laughed. I was my parents baby
"Common what do you say about surprising her?"
"She'd kill you"
"Correction she'd kill us"
"Your always surprising mom, why?"
"Honey when a man continuously buys you gifts, it means that he really loves or cares about, although it depends on the gift"
"What kinds of gifts?"
"Well jewelry shows that he cares enough to spend money on you, etc"
"Oh, so how do you know that someone loves you?"
"When the times right you'll know. Now here's the plan"  but before he could finish, moms voice stopped him
"So a plan huh, what were you planning?"
"Oh honey, we were just planning the ahhh baby shower, yea"
"So you weren't trying to prank me?"
"No we were planning to surprise you not prank"

When dad noticed what he did, he slapped his hand over his mouth
"Ohhh I see, so what's the surprise huh?"
"Dad I think we should run" I giggled
"Good point, run!" Dad yelled running away, to which mom was right behind him
"Honey tell the elephant to stop chasing me"
"Oh I'll show you elephant" mom ran as fast as any pregnant woman could, then both her and dad fell on the ground with her on top of him
"Rosie dear, would you mind getting this elephant off me"
"Elephant huh, I'll make you eat those words" and she did "eat grass you old goat, hey rose join in"
"Sure mom, here I come" I yelled falling on top of both of them laughing
"I love you girls"
"We love you too dad, goat" both mom and I said.

That was one of the happiest moments of my life

End of flashback

"I get it if you don't want to talk about it, but just know that am here if you need me"
"Thanks" we ate the rest of our lunch in silence then returned to our separate work stations.

I miss you mom and dad, I wish you were here

Ms Garden And Her CEO #Where stories live. Discover now