New School

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This is just a sad Jughead edit I made, so I thought I would include it.

Anywaysss on with the story


So today I start going to Southside High. I have to admit I am kind of nervous about it. I know the southside is pretty rough, I mean I live there.

But I know Betty will help me through it.

I was walking Betty to Riverdale High.
"I'm going to miss seeing you everyday." Betty says to me when we get to the school.

"Don't worry I will make sure we see eaxhother everyday. Even though we don't go to the same school doesn't mean we can't see eachother."

"I know. Im just going to miss it. Are you going to be okay at Southside?"

I smile at her, "Are you kidding? I'll be the king of that place by tomorrow."

She chuckles. "Okay, if your that confident."

I give her a hug and a kiss on the forehead and we part ways.

Soon I reach Southside high. There are what seems like maybe a hundred people outside the school smoking. I start walking up to the door of the school just as the bell to start the day rings. I have to take off my jacket, hat, and backpack so they can be searched. Everyone does. Just to make sure we don't have drugs or any weapons inside the school. From what I can tell they dont really care what happens on the outside of the school. Even fighting. I saw one or two breaking out in the lawn and people were just cheering and recording it.

I dont really know where to go so I just sort of stand in the hall for a second to gather my thoughts.

Suddenly a girl with bright pink hair and a purple jacket is in front of me.

"You Jughead?" she asks me.

"Yah. Why?"

She sticks out her hand and I shake it. "The names Toni Topaz, southside serpent and your guide for today."

"Hi. Umm Im Jughead Jones, as you already know and I'm sort of a southside serpent too."

She smacks her gum loudly, "Whaddaya mean sort of?"

"I just try and stay out of the criminal part."

She smiles and slaps me on the shoulder, "Are you kidding? That's the best part."

I laugh nervously. I had to get as far away from this girl as possible. Sure she was pretty and evrything, but I could tell she was bad. Dangerous even.

But if I did ditch her, how was I going to get around this school today?
"So what's your first class?" Toni asks me.

"Algebra." I say.

"Great. Follow me."

She ended up having to be my guide all day. I will admit that she is funny and would usually be the kind of person I hung out with but now that I have friends like Archie, Veronica, and my girlfriend Betty, I am more careful about these kind of people.

School was out for the day and I couldn't wait to go see Betty and everyone. As I was walking down the sidewalk I heard Toni tell me to wait up. I wasn't going to, but I figures she would probably beat me up if I didnt.

"Whats up?" I ask.

"Wanna go hang out with some of us?"


"It's just this old run down place where we like to hang out after school."

I can't believe I was curious about this. I shouldn't though. Some of the people at this school were bad news. And I really wanted to see Betty.

"No thanks. I think Im just gonna go home today."

She shrugs her shoulder and is still smacking away at her gum except this time she has a cigarette too. "Alright. No biggy, maybe next time."

"Yah. Next time."

I finally reach the park where all of us agreed on meeting up today.
I see Betty jump up as she spots me and she runs up and gives me a hug. I drink in the smell of her. So sweet. Just like her.
She lets go of me and I catch a glance at her hands. She said she hasnt been doing that at all recently and I believe her. They are just scars, but it still scares me.

She gives me a kiss. "I missed you today."

"And I you." i say and we go over to sit by Archie and Veronica at the picnic table.

"So was your first day a complete horror fest?" Veronica asks.

"Well kind of I guess. There was a lot of smoking and a lot of security. Also fights."

"There are a lot of criminals on that side of town." Archie says, but then seems to realize what he says. "Um I mean no offense to you."

"Non taken Archie. I know how you like to speech before you think sometimes."
We all laugh.

Later that night as I'm going to bed I find myself feeling very curious about what Toni was talking about. Where did they hang out after school? Was it fun?

Thank you for reading my very first chapter to this book! What do you think?


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