Chapter Two

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Lucy's P.O.V

After hours of hearing Natsu's endless complaining, the train came to a stop.

"Ahhh! Finally free!" Natsu shouted as he began trying to find his way to the nearest food court.

"Hey guys im going to go head to the hotel now." I said walking out the entrance. As I was walking down the side walk, I bumped into a boy around my age (Note: This is the same boy from the end of chapter one!) causing him to drop his luggage he had been carrying.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Here, let me help you with that!" I said as I picked up a few of his belongings. He continued staring at me as I handed him a few of his things making me feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Here you go sir" I said handing him the last of his things.

"Oh, Uh, Thank you" the man replied.

"May I know your name? I asked.

"Its Yuuki, and what might yours be?" he asked back.

"It's Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia" I stated back at him holding out my hand for him to shake. He smiled and shook my hand gripping it tighty. We began talking more and more when I suggested to him that he should meet the group.

I led Yuuki back to the train station to have him run into the usual fight with Natsu and Gray, while Erza began to break them apart.

"Sorry to interrupt you three..But I'd like to introduce you guys to my friend Yuuki." I looked over at Natsu and noticed he had been glaring at Yuuki ever since he had seen him come in with me.

"Hey Natsu, are you okay" I asked. He looked up and shook his head implying he was alright.

"Well, if you say so.." I said deciding not to be relentless about the whole thing. After around ten minutes of the five of us talking, Yuuki looked at his watch and explained he had "business" to take care of leaving us to continue to quest. I began wondering what business had to take care of and what had been up with Natsu when he had showed up.

"So...what should we do now?" I asked.

"We should go get food! I'm starving!" Natsu said clenching on to his stomach.
I giggled at the action and went along with his idea. We arrived at a restaurant when all of a sudden we saw Yuuki again. I didn't understand exactly what business he had there but decided to ignore the thought.

Quickly like emissaries we snuck over to him to see what he been doing. He seemed to be looking on his phone at a picture of a blonde girl- who at first glance kind of resembled me. We decided however not to bother him knowing it would bring him to an uncomfortable position of what business he had there.

But I kept wondering why Natsu was acting weird around him and why was he glaring at Yuuki so much. It was strange knowing Natsu was never a serious person and Yuuki hadn't done anything wrong to him. Maybe Natsu had been jealous of him...But of what? No, it can't be. I wondered then shook off the thought.

After that, we secretly snuck to the register where we took some food to go. We decided to head to the hotel since we didn't have the chance earlier to see it and were planning to just eat there. As soon as I finished eating, I decided to go and take a stroll through town to burn off the pizza calories and check out a few shops on the way.

I began humming as strolling through the street where I approached a dark alley way. I heard a noise behind me but before I could pull out my celestial keys everything went black...
Ohhh! What's gonna happen!! Thanks again to LucyxNatsu101 for writing this book with me an I hope you guys all like! ^.^

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