Chap 3:Days without light

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The burning sensation on his eyes is weird. He didn't know what was happening, one second before he was trying his best to stop his friend from killing and a second later he was seeing nothing, nothing beside darkness.
He could hear Luffy and ________ voices, while Luffy were shouting _________'s voice was rather dark but holds no bad intentions towards Luffy. He wants to move but his body refuse to respond, he could hear Luffy talking to _________, he could hear them clearly
"________....stop.....enough...stop..." Luffy was speaking like he was being straggle.
"'s reminds of that fucking night...".Ace was confused, what does he meant by 'that fucking night' and 'blood' ? Did something occur in that period of time that cause this.
"_______, Luffy..." He mutters their names hoping that it reached.
"..." He didn't stop but were distracted, a little or so he thinks. Ace could moves his body again, the arms and feet are still weighting down but better then when he couldn't move them at all. He tries to stand up but fell down misery on his knees, Ace feels like a toddler taking it's first step.
Putting a hand on his forehead he slowly trace it down to his eyes, he was sure that he is open his eyes but why can't he sees, the eyes are still there so why...
"" He lifts his face up and direct himself to where his little brother's voice coming from. He was shocked that he really couldn't see and brought both hands to cover up his blind eyes. Dark thoughts start to creep into his mind, this blindness of his is a death mark to his dream, without sight how would he travel on the sea, he can't ask Luffy for this, his baby brother has his own dream to achieve, and it's the dream that he wants to witness when it come true...but will he still be there when Luffy conquered the sea and became the King of Pirates...?
"Eh...what ?" _______ blinks his eyes and release his hand and the poor kid was gasping for every piece of air he could. Ace was desperate and scare and let out words that pierce the other boy's heart
"Ah.....urg......why...._______.....why did you do this to us..." Those words make the boy look at him with confuse yet hurtful eyes. He didn't mean to say those words, but this darkness, this fear, he needs to let it out on something before he lost his own mind and ________ was the one that has to take the blame.
"Give it back ________..."
"Ace's eyesight...give it back _______" Ace was surprise when his little brother realise that he can't see
"Ace...Ace...going to be a famous pirate but if you take his would he _______ !"
Luffy shouts and there was silent, only the boy's heavy breathing and some random noise were heard.
"Lu..." Ace mumbles his name, he doesn't know what to fell right now, so many mixed feelings. He wants to run to his brother and hug him tight but also at the same time he doesn't, he didn't know why but he was...scare, scare of ________, of the monster inside him._______ falls to the ground, eyes scanning on Luffy and Ace, face slowly darkened.
The boy didn't say anything for a short while before standing up with a serious and already bloody face. At that moment Ace feels a pain run through his body causing him a headache and immediately he fainted, not knowing that this pain was cause by _______. Ace went into sleep and Luffy makes a promise with the kid one day he would find him and return what's belong to his brother, the game of cat and mice has started.
Later after gaining back his senses, Luffy drags Ace with all the strength his body can provide him back to the bandits house, they were as pale as a dead person when they see the kids cover in blood and Ace on Luffy shoulder. Dogra quickly told them to come in and he himself run off to the village to call for a doctor, Dadan was preparing a small bed for Ace to laid on, the boy has some bruises and scratches but other then that he fine, or overall it seems.
The younger was holding Ace's hand very tight, no matter how much the bandits try to make him to let go he doesn't listen at all, his only answer were "Being alone is the worst..."
The words was confusing, the bandits think that Luffy is losing his sanity, oh wait...he was never sane in the first place, his whole family was never sane....back to the point, they were afraid that Sabo death was striking the kid too much, he and the older. They exchange glance at each other before giving up on persuading the boy and just like that, Luffy keeps on holding the older hand for minutes. Dadan looks at them and sigh heavily, she doesn't know why the kids are like this but she doesn't care, as long as Ace, Luffy and ________ are safe she would be happy with anything. But then she spots that there's something wrong...she didn't see ________ with them !

Lu-Luffy where's _________ ?!" She was practically panic now but the kid just plainly answer her with a I-don't-care attitude "Gone, but he is safes"
The answer make everyone's face lit up, the little boy was already like family to them, he was a kid with an attitude and cursing problem though.
Five second later their head snap back at the two boy, mainly Luffy, and their jaw drop, brain mentally screaming that something big happened, because if not why did Luffy, who adore _________ like an idol and ranked him only below his family and Shanks gives him a plain attitude like that.
"Ace..." He mumbles his brother name and the freckle boy let out a small whimper.
The bandits think that they should say some words to smooth down the tense atmosphere that starting to building up every ten second or so pass by. Luckily Dogra made it back in time and solve the problem by bringing the doctor and Makino, she follow them as an extra hand when she hears about Ace .
They rush at the patient and the doctor shoos everyone out of the place with the exception of Luffy, he was too persistent that everyone give up. The doctor began treating Ace and Luffy just standing on the other side of the bed watching. Half an hour after being treated their wounds have been covered up and then you know what? The old geezer break in the house.
He knows that Ace is hurt thanks to the bandits telling him and just sent himself through the WALL then start questioning his grandson on what happened. Luffy seriously couldn't keep it in long before he starts crying, which will usually earned him a smack from Ace. He jumps to his grandpa chest, nuzzle it.
"GRAMPSSSSSSS ! A-Ac-Ace is injures a-and ________....he.....he's....." He tries to form words.
"Calm down now Luffy, let's us go to somewhere else to dicuss okay ?". Luffy averts his eyes to Ace, the boy is laying there almost lifeless.
"No...stay, don't leave Ace alone..." Garp was a bit confuse at his grandson word but listen anyway. He flops himself on the ground and put Luffy in front of him, rubbing his small head with affection.
"Luffy, please tell us what don't have to force yourself...". The words was kind, in a way it comfort the kid a little.
"I'll tell..." His face is still a mess but he has to tell them about ______ and what happen. Because he had a brother to save.
"Okay but Luffy, calm yourself down first" Makino gently said
"Uh..._______ he....we were having lunch in the forest when the pirates...the Bluejam came and attacked us..._______ was trying to protect us and then...and then...."he looks at the floor and stop a bit before continue.
"And then ?"
"He kills them all in a flash of an eye and start acting strange, strangle Luffy or so I think and laughing and mumbling somewhere stuff" Ace answer, still laying there, gray eyes looking at...something.
"Ace..." Their gaze were lock to him when he speaks up.
"Luffy...come here" he calls and Luffy quickly follows. He run towards his brother and stand beside him as Makino and Garp watching them. Ace places a hand on Luffy's chest and tracing to his neck. Luffy kneels down to same level as Ace, this allow his hand to touch the boy face and Ace's hand came in contact with the small cheek. His hand suddenly feel something wet on his finger, it was tears.
"Lu ?!" he didn't know why Luffy was crying but....
"Owahhh Ac-Asu A-Asce you can't be pirate anymore....I'm sorry ku....."
"What are you apologising for ?"
"For beinh a badz little Bother...."
....Ace heart was broken in half. He never wants his little brother to think that way about himself, hell he never wanted any of his loved ones to think that about themselves. After those word of the crying Luffy he immediately pull the kid into an embrace, to show how much he loves the kid. The other people presented there just watch in silence. Two small kid embracing each other, sobbing, and cover in white bandages, the scene making everyone's heart melt. Especially when Ace, the one that has a self-loathing problem and never been seen crying, broke out in tear.
After that things got a bit troublesome with Garp swearing to skinned ________ and destroying the bandit's house in pure anger. Dadan crying in despair as she watches the house got wrecked like some sidewalk's trash bin. Makino pulling Luffy away from Ace and everyone was happ-I mean.... er...*cough*
"You rather taking this more lightly than I expected you to Ace" Makino has given up on separating the two as she talking to him
"Well, it was scary at first I must admit but it's not like I won't be able to see forever, as soon as I caught _______ I'm back to normal" Makino blinks and look at him waiting for an answer.
"Shishishi we make a promise with him Makino" Luffy mood was now brighten up after crying a hell lot, a wide smile makes it way to his face. Understand what he was talking about she pats the boys head and Luffy smiles.

Okay guys...I'm dropping this story cause after a long time not longing in wattpad, I forget the how's the plot goes.
If anyone feels like continuing this story in my place. Please do.
I remember how I planned this story to end, just not how to get there...
I didn't update in the past, I'm very sorry but bad stuffs happen, and I need time to copped.
Thank you for reading this half-ass story of mine until now ^^

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