Chap 2: Messing up the plot

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15 years later.
Today was a nice day at the island, no robbery, no yelling or people hitting at each other in the head with a table. No (not much) pirate and bandits to be precise. And better than that, no marine.
"Where the fuck am I ?". You are sitting in a bar, drinking and eating like the D member you are."I though there should be at least a small marine base at an island that as weak as this"."Hm ? You come to this island and didn't know a thing a bout it ?". The bartender said, eyes looking at you in surprise."Yeah, I was actually carry here by the water, my ship was sank by the storm last night". Last night a storm came by and oh god it was nightmare."And you survived the crash is something really amazing kid". He laughs but tell you about the island anyway.
"This island, like you see, is a small island in Grandline and a very weak one too".
"I see that"
"Yeah, and we wouldn't survive if a pirate decided to attack the village. Until now our little home here is still safe is all thanks to Whitebeard. He just came to our village and declare that this is his territory and no one ever touch us again". He lets out a warm smile.
"Eh~ so this is one of the island that's under Whitebeard's protection?".Chewing the bone in your mouth you look at him."Yeah kiddo, you were lucky that the wave carry you here, if you were washed on some uninhabited island in this area you would face death by now"."Guess that I am lucky huh Ossan". He gives you a wide smile."Thank you for the food". You clap your hands, stand up and give him the money. Before you leave the old man warn you one thing
"I hear rumors that the White Child is on this island so be careful when going around okay !".
You nod and walk out of the bar. You pull your brown hat over your eyes, remembering about thing that happen in the past. 15 years, 15 long years have passed since your first time stepping into this world. You change very much ever since too. The person that was so cold and cruel is fading day by day, you growth warmer to people and start to have thing like habit or feeling, though a smile was just an act that you mimic them when you try to blend in. The sun is shining but your body still remember the cold when they mention your alias 'Pandora' or more commonly known as 'White Child'. Things were difficult those day but you learn how to survive through them. You never travel with nor believe anyone. Traveling alone from island to island, you manage to cut off the marine dog and now you are enjoying the short peaceful moment that you have.
You walk in the small village and into the center of it. A flag with Whitebeard's Jolly Roger, a symbol of his protection over the small island. You look at it and smile. In your memories, Whitebeard pirates are a cheerful and happy family that are really protective over their member. They would go war against anyone if they touch one of their crew mate. You let out a small chuckle and suddenly somebody smack you in the back."Ouch, hey what's with the smack !?". You fall to the ground, shivering. The SEA-STONE bullet wounds aren't heal yet so the pain are too much.
"Ah sorry kid you were so weird looking at the old man's flag that I have to smack you to get your intention". A man with red hair said.
"Are you okay kid ?"
"Red hair Shanks ?".You ask him with a cold gaze.
"You know me, that's great !". He said cheerfully.
"You want something...?". You ask as you slide farther away from him."Hey don't be so scare, I just want to talk to you"."Yeah, I'm not that stupid to believe you."
A man appear behind you and grab your wrists, he pulls you off the ground and holding you like some pet."Captain, you shouldn't smack people in the back like that, it will scare them".
"Benn you are so typical. A smack won't kill him". 'But my wounds will dumbass'. You struggle to break free but the man doesn't move his hands an inch.
"Hey kid I want to ask you something !". A grind appears on his face.
"Put me down and let me go first". He smiles."Sure".
The man name Benn put you down. You were almost relieved...and he suddenly put a sea stone collar around your neck making you lose all your strength and knelt over.
"What...the...why did you do this Red Hair Shanks..?". You were confused, you don't remember doing anything that upset him."Do you remember the kids that you meet when you at an island in East Blue ? The two kid that you 'harm' ". The man lets out his haki, making everybody in town faint except for the three of us. The haki make you shiver in cold sweat.
You try to think about he said then an image pop out in your head."The Luffy kid ?!". Shanks was like a father to him. 'Shit now I remember !'. You give a glance at the surrounding before you attack Shanks to escape.
"So you do remember, you been hiding from us pretty well". He smiles a devilish smile."Yeah and sorry for doing this to you". You kick him in the stomach. He frowns."Benn catch him !".
'How did Shanks found me ? No more importantly now is staying alive, think about that later' You jump over his head and up to the top of the flag pole. The sea stone collar prevent you from using your power but that doesn't mean you can't use other thing. You take out a flare gun and start to burn everything. Include yourself and the flag and the village...and Shanks too. Apparently you don't know how to use a flare gun properly.
"Is one peaceful day is too much to ask for !?". You fell over and hit your head hard on the ground."Fuck this..."you stand up and run as fast as your feet can to the dock.
"Stop there !".Shanks is chasing you.
"Fuck you ! I'm running away from you no fucking hell I would stop you moron !".
"You little...!?".
"It was an accident Red Hair, I already said sorry so stop your bullshit revenge or whatever shit you are doing now!"
"You almost kill him you asshole and give Ace back what you stole !"
"Just give me a break damn it, I just want ONE peaceful day !"
What happen at Goa kingdom 10 years ago
You were wandering in the forest in a middle of storm. Every time you step on an island you always get into a bunch of trouble with nature. Storm, tornado, sandstorm (?), Tsunami, earthquake, erupted volcano, wild beast attack (which was turn into a meal later), and sometime the island almost break in half (How ? This grandline so don't ask me how), yada yada yada...
Anyway, you were so tire and just walking aimlessly in the mountain until you reach a house, Dadan's house. You bearly reach the door and collapse right in front of it. You fainted. And the bandit save you. They take you inside, tend your wounds, feed you. You have no idea why they do it though. Until Luffy, the little ball of sunshine show up, saying that he want to be friend with you. Ace was there too and he hit him in the head. Ace explains that Luffy saw you fainted and drag you in for treatment. Not so surprise with his personality you smile and thank him.
And a few day later your wounds heal and you can move around. You are thankful that they treat you so nice, even Dadan and the bandit growth familiar with your presence there just after a few day. You were planing on leaving the island in 3 more days but putting 3 'D' in one spot could cause chaos. Oops too late, a day before the day you plan on leaving you cause chaos and like everyone could see, you make Shanks so mad the he even after years (probably) he still looking for you, probably for what you stole from Ace, and for what you done with Luffy.
The day was normal, Ace and Luffy go hunting in the forest but this time they take you with them. You have no problem in battling since your wounds healed. You kill the crocodiles by yourself in seconds and impress the kids. Luffy eyes shinning and Ace jaw drops.
"So coolllllllllllllllll !"
"How did you...? And your arm, it look so weird..."
"Ah you mean this". You cover my arm in armament haki.
'Yeah I practice haki, what do you think I was doing all those years, just hiding and running ? I gotta fight back too'
"Uwahhhhhh coolllllllllllllll"
"Ha-Haki ? I don't know what is it but it sound strong !"
"Want me to teach you ?".
"You will ?" they ask in a cheerful tone.
"Sure, you guys save me so I gotta paid back my debt right ?"
"_______ I love you so much !". Luffy wraps you in his rubber arm.
"Love you two too". You smile.
"Luffy get off _______, he had to leave tomorrow so we don't have much time."
"Yosh ! Let's do it." He smiles like a moron.
"Luffy...". Ace and you sigh as you look at him in amusement. You and the Ace kid get along pretty well, at some point you already seeing this place like a home. One week is all they need to make you fell in love with them, Ace and Luffy, such a handful bunch of brothers.
You begin teaching them about type of haki. Ace is strong in armament haki and also Luffy. The brothers have all three type of haki so it kinda easy to train them. Just some small lesson and they learn it all. You feel so proud, only took them until pass noon that they could use armament haki and observation haki, but not so good to be exact, but oh well they got the basics. Haoshoku haki was a bit harder to teach so you tell them that you will teach them when they are older. The boys agree and the two went hunting with what you just taught and bring back two bears, they said that they couldn't catch the crocodile because they aren't used using haki yet and let it eascape.
'I'm so proud, so fucking proud'.
You wish the day just when on smoothly like that but you know, trouble always come when you least expected it to. Which is right now.
Remember the BlueDic-I mean the Bluejams ? Apparently they are alive and are now searching for Ace and Luffy. They found you and the two when you were eating lunch in the forest and attack immediately when they see them.
Honestly, the BlueJams are a bunch of weakling, it only take you 3 minutes to kill them. Although...the killing scene isn't very 'pretty'. Your whole body was bathed is their blood and the body parts are everywhere. But the worst part is you lose control over your sanity at that time and almost kill Luffy.
"Eh...what ?". You blink your eyes and remove your hand from Luffy neck. You were strangling Luffy and when you release he pants heavily, try to take as much air as he can.
"Ah....ugh......Why......________........why did you do this to us...". You look at Ace whose hands were covering the gray eyes. His eyes don't seems right to you, they look so...empty.
"Give it back_______...". Luffy look at you with furious in his eyes.
"Ace's eyesight...give it back _______". You gasp.'Ace's eyesight, I remember...I took it from him when he tries to stop me from killing...his eyesight huh...'
"Ace...Ace...going to be a famous pirate but if you take his would he _______ !". He was super pissed at you. You bite your lips and fall on ground. You just look at them in the eyes, you feel hurt.' What have I done...these thing never suppose to happen...I mess it up didn't I...the flow of events have change...because of my existing...

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