Poltergeist: the sequel sequel

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3rd P.O.V

"So, what is all this stuff, anyway?" Dean asked, looking at the table filled with different herbs and other things.

They were making small bags filled with different elements to use against the Poltergeist. Ellie and Missouri leading the two boys.

"Angelica Root, Van Van oil, crossroad dirt, and a couple of other weird stuff." Ellie explained, tying up a bag, not looking at him.

"Yeah? What are we supposed to do with it?"

"We're gonna put them inside the walls in the north, south, east, west corners on each floor of the house." Missouri replied.

Dean rose a brow.

"We'll be punchin' holes in the dry wall," he stated. "Jenny's gonna love that." 

"She'll live." Missouri said, passing a bag to Ellie.

"And this'll destroy the spirits?" Sam asked, leaning on the back of his chair.

"It should." Ellie mused. "It should purify the house completely. We'll each take a floor. But we work fast." She hit Dean on the back of his head, seeing as he was about to lick a piece of dirt. She shook her head and continued. "Once the spirits realize what we're up to, things are gonna get bad."

Once Missouri made sure that Jenny and her kids were out of the house and not about to come back, they separated and Ellie decided to take the upstairs so the boys could do the rest. 

And of course, the first room she would go too would be Sam's old room.

She entered the room, gripping a hammer tightly in one hand and the bags in the other. She looked around.

"Well, this is weird," she muttered. 

Here she was, in the room where her adopted brother's mother died years ago. 

Faster you do it, faster we get out.

Ellie sighed and walked to the corner of the room, not far from the wardrobe. She stopped and looked at it. 

"It is not the time for figures on fire to come bursting out of there, you hear me?" she said out-loud. 

She then made a small hole in the wall and then placed said hammer down. As she was about to put the bag in the wall, she heard a creaking noise from behind her. She closed her eyes and sighed.

"You gotta be kidding me," she breathed out.

She slowly straightened up and turned around. The door to the room was closed. 

"Shit," she said.

And the next moment, she was thrown to the other side of the room, right at the wall. She fell with a thud and faintly heard Dean yelling Sam's name. Ellie hastily stood up and tried to run to the door, but she hadn't seen the hammer behind her, being raised in the air. It flew right at her and everything went black.

She had gotten lucky to have been alone in the room, because seconds later, when she opened her eyes, no one was there to see them flash. One bright orange, just like the flames of hell and the other, a blinding white, just like the moon. Right before they were back to their normal colour. 

Ellie stood up. Wind blew her hair away and she looked to the side, a smirk forming on her face. Blood came out of a wound she had gotten on her right temple.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, my dear," Ellie said, teasingly before the door to the room flew open.

She calmly walked to the spell bag and put it in the hole in the wall. Then she straightened back up and looked at a mirror, noticing the wound. She sighed before placing her hand on her temple. A white light shone in the room and the wound disappeared.

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