Chapter Nine

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Pricilla's POV

I was stuck here in the wolves control. I watched as I saw Seto and the new girl leave, but I stayed here. She didn't' know I was here, but Seto did. They ignored me, they thought I was normal, but they were wrong. I was more powerful then you could ever know, I had dark magic. I sighed and pushed my blonde hair out of my face. 

I walked around in my cell, it had been at least half and hour since Seto and the new girl left. I heard whispering and soon enough, Jessie, Nicole, and Peter appeared in front of my cell, and opened it.

"Pricilla, get out. We need your magic" Jessie ordered.

I left and followed them, mainly because I had no choice. We arrived at our destination about twenty minutes later, it was a big baby blue house. I walked towards it, but stopped. I heard yelling and screaming in pain as I watched wolves shatter windows and o through.

"What am I doing?" I asked myself, I was shoved to the house by Peter. I went in, but wished I didn't. I saw a face that I wished I would never see again. My sister.

"Do I have to-"

"Kill Skylar." Nicole interrupted.

"But shes my sister, I cant-"

"Do it," She ordered as she took off. I used my dark magic on her, and her powers stopped working. I hated doing this, she was my own sister. But I had to. She looked down at her palms, her magic stopped. I sighed as a tear fell down my cheek. I made obsidian rise from the ground It surrounded her until she was cornered on the wall, I made the obsidian rise more until it completely surrounded her like a box.

I cried more, then stopped. I couldn't do this. She was my sister.

"Pricilla do it you worthless devil!" Jared screamed at me. Nobody. Calls. Me. Worthless.

"Don't call me that!" I screamed as I blasted him with my dark magic. I was slashed in the face by Veronica, she glared at me with her dark blue eyes, saying if I didn't do what I was told she would kill me.

"Pricilla" She growled. I sighed and put TNT inside the obsidian box, inside to Skylar. I heard her scream, but I had no choice. I stopped before I lit it.

"Put a window in the obsidian, I want to see this," Veronica ordered. I cried more, but did as I was told. Skylar noticed and looked out, she gasped when she saw me. I ran up to the window at put my hands on it. She put her hands on mine, showing she knew I had no choice. I walked away from her as she put her hands back down. I looked around at everyone, I saw the new girl and Seto, but Seto didn't notice me. I watched as the new girl killed a wolf, she was an Angle. This was rare. She looked at me with her beautiful eyes, and then got Seto's attention to me. But, Seto looked different. He had blonde hair and brown eyes... that couldn't be Seto... unless he told people he was really Danny. Danny looked at me, and smiled. I didn't smile back. Most wolves were now dead, and the angle went to kill other wolves. I used my fire power to start at the TNT, but I stopped.

"I cant do it," I announced, everyone stopped and stared at me.

"You don't have a choice," Veronica said as she slashed me in my cheek, "Do it!"

"No!" I replied. I looked at Veronica, and she smirked. Her eyes turned bloody red, and so did mine. I was under her control.

"Now, start the TNT." She ordered.

'NO!' I thought.

"Yes Master," The outside me said. The outside me started the fire, but it stopped. I looked, and the angle was using her powers against mine. She was using her ice power to stop my fire, but the outside me was stronger. they used the ray to push her on the wall as the outside me went closer.

"Tyler! Get Skylar out!" The angle ordered. He went to Skylar and tried to get her out, while the outside me tried to get the angle. They angle screamed as her ice ray started to disappear.

"Pricilla's got this, everyone else, get to the base!" Veronica ordered as the wolves all left, except for Veronica. The angles ice ray was gone.

I struck her in the heart.

Her heart would melt.

I. Killed. Her.

Fallen Angel (Team Crafted)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang