The Enemy of Your Enemy

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The next day, AJ rushed around the clubhouse, cooking while the cops were outside taking evidence. She felt the prospect watching her. "When my dad told you to keep an eye on me I don't think he meant, follow me around the clubhouse Kip" she scoffed as she wiped down the sides in the kitchen.

"How are you feeling?" he asked and she sighed.

"I wish people would stop asking me that" she scoffed again.

"You're going through a lot, you won't talk, all you've done all day is cook and clean" he explained.

"It calms me" she sighs, walking over to the oven and opening it, she pulled the oven gloves off the side, sliding them on "Won't make that mistake again" she chuckled lightly.

He shook his head, walking out of the kitchen. He'd saw her upset before; she'd get angry and shout or break stuff or fight. Not plaster on a fake smile and act like a 1950's house wife.

"Can I smell bleach?" Gemma asked raising an eyebrow as she walked through the clubhouse doors with Tara.

"I think so" Tara said, furrowing her brow.

"What's going on?" she said walking up to Halfsack, staring blankly at the alcohol behind the bar.

"She's gone crazy, she's cleaned the whole kitchen from top to bottom and in here, she ran out of things to clean around lunch time, so she started reorganizing everything, I don't know where the fuck anything is" he said gesturing to the alcohol.

"Can you blame her? Poor girl must be going out of her mind, everything that's going on and Chibs..."

"What about Filip? You said he was stable" AJ spat and they turned their heads to see her stood by the door. Her hair was knotted and pulled back in to a bun whilst she wore one of Chibs' t-shirts and her, now bleach stained, black skinny jeans.

"He is stable but you knew we had to send him for more tests...he's critical AJ" Tara explained.

"What are you talking about?" she cried.

"He has a clot, on his brain, at the moment we're monitoring it, if it subsides it shouldn't be life threatening"

"If it gets worse?" she choked, wrapping her arms around herself, around his shirt.

"we'll have to uh..." she trailed off trying to find the right words.

"Cut his head open" Gemma added.

"That probably won't happen though" Tara said, shooting a glare at Gemma.

"I need to see him" she said, tears flooding down her face she felt sick to her stomach.

"You know you can't do that sweetheart, it's not safe" Gemma sighed, walking over to give her a hug. She broke down in her arms.

"What am I gonna do Gem?" she whimpered, pulling back.

"Stop worrying baby, the club will sort things with the Irish and your old man is strong he'll pull through" she said kissing her on the cheek.

"I can't take your word for it, I've got to see him Gem..." she said, slowly edging towards the doors.

"You are not leaving this clubhouse and that's final you got that?"

"Sorry Gem" she said before turning and scarpering out the clubhouse doors.

"Stupid bitch" Gemma muttered feeling for her keys in her pocket to see they were gone "Why didn't she take her own car?"

AJ pulled the car out the lot as she saw Halfsack, Gemma and Tara run out. She headed for St. Thomas, keeping one eye on the mirrors to see if anyone was following her. Darting down side streets and back lanes, she knew she must remain unseen, no cameras and no witnesses. She moved one hand up, pulling the bobble out. Leaning over, she opened the glove box, finding a brush. "Thank-you Gemma" she muttered. As she pulled into the car park at the hospital, jumping out the car, she heard tires screeching behind her. She span around quickly to see a black sedan parked behind her car blocking her in.

"I've really missed ye darlin'" he said, grinning wide as he walked over to her.

"Get away from me" she spat, backing away.

"Later honey, I need to get you out of here before the biker trash turns up" he said grabbing her and pulling a chloroform soaked rag from his pocket, placing it gently over her mouth.

AJ's eye's flickered open, her eyes darting around. Her face throbbed, her vision distorted as she tried to make out where she was. Trying to stand, she felt rope twisting, burning her ankles and wrists. She cried out as it dug into her burnt hand. Duct tape covering her mouth to muffle her screams.

"Finally, you're awake darlin'" she heard Johnathon's voice; his Irish accent now thick.

She groaned, thrashing in her restraints.

"You're not going anywhere" he chuckled callously.

At the sound of his dress shoes, clacking against the floor, she knew exactly where she was. She thrashed harder, letting out a silent scream. Tears slid down her face as she felt the bed move under his weight.

"I've missed you Alyssa, honey" he cooed into her ear before ripping off the Duct Tape. A shrill scream escaped her lips as it caught her hair.

"You're not going to get away with this" she cried. The sound of voices outside brought hope. "Help" she screamed causing him to chuckle.

"I'm afraid not honey, they're friends of mine"

The sound of footsteps approached as the door swung open.

"Everything alright in here?" she heard a familiar voice sound.

"Everything is perfect, thank-you Weston" Johnathon said and the door slammed shut. "You know my friend's, right?" he chuckled as he leaned down pressing a kiss against her lips.

She thrashed, trying to pull away from him but it was useless. A smile played on her lips as he moved closer to her.

"I knew yer would come around darlin'" he groaned.

"Mm... come kiss me again" she whispered. As he leant in, her vision became clearer. She lunged forward, biting off his ear. "That's a little trick I learnt from my father" she spat at him.

"Stupid biker whore" he muttered, punching her. "You're dead" he spat.

Tig sat, downing another shot of whiskey, before grabbing his keys off the bar.

"Come on Tig, there's nothing else you can do tonight, you should get some rest" Kozik said, walking up behind him.

Tig stood, turning around, staring him in face. "Get out of my way" he snapped as he stood snarling at him.

"Nah, you need to stay here Tig..."

Tig lunged at him, throwing him to the floor. The two rolled around, throwing punches and kicks at each other.

The sound of Clays burner ringing brought the fight to a stop as Kozik fell back on the floor to catch his breath. Tig jumped up, walking over to Clay.

"Irish" he muttered, playing the call aloud.

"Jonathon is excommunicated, we don't know where he is" Jimmy said.

"How stupid do you think I am Jimmy?" Clay spat.

"I have some addresses of some old residences here but you know, you'll owe me a favor"

"Yeah, I get it Jimmy, what have you got?" he sighed.

"There's an apartment in Tacoma, a lake house here in Cali..."

"That's it, text me the address" he said before putting the phone down. "We're gonna find her, brother" he said, turning to Tig who nodded slowly, tears stinging his eyes.

"We can't wait, let's go" he said, walking out with Clay and the club following.

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