Pickup Lines

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Jimin has come to terms with the fact that he has really bad tastes in friends.

Separately, Taehyung and Jungkook weren't too bad, maybe even tolerable on good days. But put them together and Jimin had a radioactive concoction for regret and suffering. Taehyung was unpredictable, the type of friend who could either fight off thieves trying to steal his wallet, or be one of the thieves trying to steal his wallet.

Jimin was never sure which type Taehyung would be.

Jungkook wasn't really any better. He got a sick sort of pleasure from teasing Jimin relentlessly. If he wasn't insulting the dancer about his height - "I'm not that short!" - then he was teasing Jimin about the crush he had developed on one of their regular customers.

Min Yoongi.

The music composition student from their university who loved dark roasted coffees and hated early morning classes with a passion. Jimin fell in love the minute Yoongi sleepily mumbled his order in his slurred drawl.

He'd been standing behind the register during that particular shift, Taehyung at the coffee machine, and Jin flitting from table to table, conversing with the customers and actively avoiding having to sit in front of his computer screen and checking his accounts.

Jin opened his coffee shop a couple of months after finishing his degree, saying he had come to like the small college town they lived in, and was in no hurry to leave.

Jimin knew Jin just had a massive soft spot for Kim Namjoon, the mathematics nerd who had, in his first year, accidentally unplugged Jin's computer from the wall socket in the library before he could save his twenty-page essay.

Jin had been furious, yelling all sorts of obscenities as Namjoon apologised continuously before both he and Namjoon had been kicked out of the library for being too loud. Namjoon had later made it up to Jin by writing the whole essay himself, references included.

Jin was so endeared he had forgiven Namjoon, refusing to hand in the re-written essay ("I'm not submitting something that wasn't written by me") before they got to know each other over a plate of fried chicken at the cafeteria.

Jimin thought it was cute.

Taehyung gagged.

And Jimin had hit him over the head for it.

It was one of the rare mornings where very few customers were coming in, the shop almost completely deserted except for a girl sitting at a table typing away on her laptop and a couple sat in one of the corner booths, sitting so close to each other that Jimin was having a hard time discerning one from the other.

He chose to block out the obnoxiously loud kissing noises.

Nope. He did not need to be scarred so early in the morning.

Jimin was almost happy when the flood of college kids came rushing into the café, eager to get their daily dose of caffeine before heading off to their morning lectures. Some of them were still in their pyjamas, dark circles under their eyes, and hair mussed from sleep.

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