Ryan turns to Maya and tugs at her arm. ‘’Let’s go say hi.’’

Maya shakes her head, her lips pursed as she does so. ‘’I’m good. I’m gonna go sit down anyway.’’

Ryan didn’t let her arm go when she tried to walk away. Her blonde locks swifted while turning to face her. Ryan furrows her brows and asks, ‘’Are you sure? You okay?’’

She flats her lips and nods her head. Though her gaze wasn’t meeting eye to eye. ‘’Yeah, I’m good.’’

Ryan jerks her head back as Maya walked off towards the window to take a seat. She was sure to question that later, Ryan had thought to herself before shrugging it off. Ryan then walks towards the front door, where Riley, Smackle and Farkle seemed to have switched places.

Riley stood in the doorway while Smackle and Farkle stood across from her on the inside. Ryan snuck up from behind and around Farkle just coincidentally when Lucas did the same with Riley, entering the residence.

Ryan furrows her brows, noticing Riley’s odd features that shifted when he made himself known.

‘’Unless my third wheel tries to intervene,’’ Smackle snapped at Lucas Friar’s presence.

‘’I’m not your third wheel, Smackle,’’ Lucas scoffs. ‘’I just arrived at the same time.’’

‘’You make weak points, bubba,’’ Ryan adds on, a playful smirk sketching her lips before stepping forward to develope him in a hug. Lucas had hugged her tight and she honestly have never felt more relieved.

It felt like they had drifted after Texas, but given that the two had time apart, it assured both that not having one another in their lives felt foreign, especially in Lucas defense. The sense of knowing they would always feel this way, convinced Ryan that neither one of them were going nowhere.

During the hug, Smackle retaliates, ‘’I agree with Ryan. Desperation doesn’t look good on you, Lucas, even though everything else does.’’

Lucas and Ryan slowly depart from their hug with furrowed brows.

‘’Smackle!’’ Farkle scolds.

‘’Which part was I not supposed to say out loud?’’

He had relaxed when wrapping an arm around her. ‘’You can say whatever you want,’’ Farkle turns to look at Lucas and entitles, ‘’She’s mine.’’

‘’Tell her that!’’ Lucas exclaims.

Lucas began to head off towards where Maya sat as Farkle and Smackle headed for the couch. Ryan Collins decided to be a third wheel, more of so she could catch up with Farkle.

‘’Hey, Smackle,’’ Ryan greets, smiling wide as she approached. Since Farkle sat on the end of the couch, Ryan chose to sit by him but on the floor, given the end of the couch was taken by a couple of school girls. ‘’Mind if I third wheel?’’

She clings closer to his side. ‘’As long as you know, he’s mine.’’

‘’Of course,’’ She perks. ‘’Sisters before misters.’’

‘’Riley has till midnight,’’ Farkle blurts out briefly. Furrowing her brows, Ryan tilts her head to the side, wondering how to context this information.

‘’To do what?’’ Smackle asks, just as clueless as Ryan. That is, until she remembered the secret only Farkle and Ryan had figured from Riley’s case on the love triangle.

Her face fell from realization, she cooed, ‘’Oh. Okay.’’

‘’What don’t I know?’’ Smackle begins to question. As a girl, Ryan knew she was growing insecure and left out, even if the secret was meaningless and irrelevant towards Smackle. But she didn’t want her to feel bad, regardless.

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