Just got tagged

304 4 19

So, my dearest friend Riddhikohli tagged me and I'm supposed to answer some questions.

Well here you go...

1. Do I have a crush?
Well yes I'm currently mentally dating Joseph Morgan 😂.  But I used to have a huge crush on my friend who is now dating someone else so you got the picture 😜.

2.What's my middle name?
I don't have one. But if I would have it would probably be 'trouble'.

3. What's my height?
I'm around 5'4 , and my mom never forget to mention it to me so I can do something about it. Typical moms!!!!

4.What's my eye colour?
It's almost the same as u Ridds with a real dark shade of brown. I love my eyes!! ❤

5. The last time I cried?
3 years ago was when I last time cried , like literally wallowing my eyes out. When my mom was hospitalised.

6. My biggest fear?
Well I hate lizards and *gulps* it's one of my biggest fear. Other than that it's loosing someone dear to my heart 💓

7. Last song I heard?

It was strip that down by Liam Payne.
Love it!!!! 💞

8. Last person I texted?
It was yesterday when I texted one of my close friend about his admission in college and then fought with him due to some stupid thing that I don't even remember!😑😂😂

9. Favorite app?
That's actually a stupid question cause answer will always be Wattpad! This is where I met amazing people and made new friends whom I f***ing love😘 and this is the place where I became Paridhee Baba😜✋🙏

10. Tag 20 people.















I think this is enough 😉
If I've forgotten someone then SORRY!!!

I'm done so it's ur turn!

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