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As we continued our journey to Aslan's How I formed quite a good friendship with the two Queens and the Just King to a point where we are on first name basis and I along with Que- I mean Lucy are teasing Susan about my lovely Best Friend's Crush on her. According to Lucy the feelings are mutual, you should have seen the blush on Susan's face. But she just huffed to hide her blush and said that High King Peter - who I haven't said a word to- likes me. I mean really! she needs comeback lessons.

Edmund just chuckled and said "his time of ruling us is gone " (A/N: did someone get what I said) making his sisters chuckle and me to get highly confused. On the contradictory Caspian's relation with the handsome King...I mean the High King is not getting anywhere . Its obvious they hate each other. Two Kings leading same army are too good to be true. If you are thinking of Edmund so mind you he is younger in age and status too so High King's decision is final but with Caspian and King Peter that's something deadly.

As we reached at the top of the hill to have a brief overview of the How we stood there for good seconds admiring its beauty.

As we reached at the top of the hill to have a brief overview of the How we stood there for good seconds admiring its beauty

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(A/N I know its not how its supposed to be but I can't find it )

I felt someone's eyes on me so I turned to see....that everyone was looking at the view ahead not at me but I swear I felt it. As we went ahead King Peter gave me a sly smile before taking the lead leaving me utterly confused and lost but still a soft smile found its way on my face. Ignoring the knowing looks and stupid smirk passed my way along with an annoyed look I followed The High King.

On reaching the entrance of the How we saw centaurs standing at both sides of the entrance with their swords held high in respect for their beloved Monarchs. The two older siblings took the lead with the younger following them. I knew Caspian felt left out as he was not The King YET. So I took his hands in mine and lead the rest party keeping a respectable distance between us.

We entered the How still hand-in-hand. The Queens moved towards the other tunnel as we saw many Narnians making and sharpening weapons.
"It's not much, but it's defensive" Caspian tells the High King specifically as I along with the Just King and and Crowned Prince admire the work of narnian's not noticing an intense glare at my hands which were still holding Caspian's.

"Peter!!" Susan appears suddenly from a tunnel with a look of awe making us turn towards her and Caspian to admire her again.
"You may want to see this" she said and we followed her in the same tunnel.

On the walls there were carvings of four children with Narnians and Aslan or Dad (whatever!) Specifically their carvings with Aslan and Narnians of their previous journey.
"It's us" Susan breathed
The four siblings were in awe whereas I & Caspian shared a knowing look.
"What is this place?" Lucy asked us making Caspian frown.
"You don't know?" Caspian asked in disbelief
" They just returned Casp" I told him softly and gave a warm smile towards the young Queen recieving four in return and an understanding look from my dumb friend.

I swear mid-wives must have dropped him when he was born making him lose his marbles!
I and Caspian took the torches from the wall and signalled the siblings to follow us.

We led them to the other part of the tunnel inside a room & lit it with our tour he's making the view clear.
There in the middle of the room was the infamous stone table where Aslan (I am calling him that until I get my answers) sacrificed himself for Edmund.
On the walls there were carvings of Narnian's & Aslan. Lucy slowly moved forward still not taking her eyes off Aslan's carving and put her hands on the table.
She slowly turned towards us.

"He must be knowing what he's doing" she said with tears  breaming in her eyes with a hopeful look.
"I think it's up to us now" King Peter replied as we all looked towards Aslan's carving.

But we must not loose Hope!

Hyy lovely readers,
I k the chapter is short but more is about to come. And since it's short I promise to update sooner 😉
Tell me do like the story till now. I want some comments  😊
Happy reading 🤗
Love ya 😘💖

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