Chapter 2: Despair in the departure lounge

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Alex wakes up in a dark room and notices writing on the glass that says: "Who the fuck are Arctic Monkeys?"

Alex wakes up in a dark room and notices writing on the glass that says: "Who the fuck are Arctic Monkeys?"

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"Well I'm one of them... " He laughed but he felt a bit of despair "I wonder where they are now..." He sits down and sobs.

Nick suddenly got thrown in,  "What?!?" He yelled. "I was only sleeping!"

"Nick!" Alex suddenly yelled and ran up to him "Thank God you're alive!"

"Don't know how the hell I got there..." Nick replied.

Alex shrugged, maybe they're abducted by aliens after all but when he found a way to get out.  When he got out he notices the environment of it is a combination of the Suck it and See and Knights of Cydonia music video. But more realistic, desert like and hot.

"At least there's some greenery here..." He talked to himself, but he did noticed that Nick felt very homesick after he was abducted then he cried. But luckily Jamie appeared to look after him.

Alex was surprised that Jamie appeared, he thought he might be in a different room to his, but the clue was in the writing all along!

"Maybe I should look after him when your finding the others" Jamie said while helping Nick out.

Alex decided to walk off but he noticed Star again.

"Well crap..." She said while smoking a cigarette, when Star turned over and notice Alex, being salty about the whole abduction incident on Earth,  she wrote a note saying "Welcome to Cydonia, m8."

She snucked it in Alex's pocket and drives off with her motorcycle.

Alex was extremely oblivious about the note until he met a man that said "#Soon... " While typing it for twitter.

"Who are you?..." Alex asked a question to a mysterious man.

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