~10~ crash

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(Lynn's POV)

I sling my backpack over my shoulder and pat Benji on his head. The black and white puppy licks my hand in return. When I stand back up from bending down, I feel the pain in my chest again. I clutch my chest in pain until it eventually goes away.

My mother was thrilled that I found another dog. She knew that I got lonely without Oliver, and that was true. But little did she know I had an angel to talk to.

Before I walk out the door for school, my mom stops me. She holds her arms out. "You were gonna leave without a hug goodbye?"

I smile at my forgetfulness and hug her, cherishing her embrace. We hug for a few seconds and she lets me go. "Have a good day, dear. I'll leave some money on the table for you to order pizza for dinner. I have a long day at the office."

I wave goodbye and start my long walk to school. I jam my earbuds in my ears and listen to Bon Jovi.

(Ben's POV)

I swing my legs to and fro as I sit in my tree in the forest. Lynn is at school, but I stay here. It's probably for the best I don't show up at her school; it ended badly last time.

I'm glad that she liked the puppy I got her. It wasn't to difficult to get. I am able to hide my wings so I look like a normal person, so I went to the animal shelter and picked up Benji. I still think it's adorable she named the puppy after me.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts when I hear Lynn calling my name. I jump out of the tree and fly over.

Wandering through the forest looking for me, I eventually find Lynn. I land on my feet in front of her, causing her to crash into me. Before she falls to the ground, I quickly support her with my arms.

"Benjamin!" Tears are streaming down her face. "My mom has been in a car accident and she's in the hospital. She's in really bad shape, and I want to see her. Can you fly us over?"

My face falls, feeling utter sorrow for Lynn. I hope she doesn't expect me to heal her, I don't have the power to heal. But determined to uphold Lynn's request, I nod and scoop her up into my arms.

The wind whips through Lynn's hair as we soar through the sky. Lynn tells me how to get to the hospital. I flap my light gray wings as fast as I can, knowing the situation is urgent.

When we get to the hospital, I land and immediately make my wings invisible. I run with Lynn inside and the lady at the desk stops us.

"Wait just a minute, you two! Which patient are you seeing?" She fixes her glasses and scowls at us.

"My mom, Rebecca Henderson, she's been in an accident and I need to see her!" Lynn explains urgently.

"Room 346," the lady mutters. She then raises an eyebrow at Benjamin. "Who's this?"

Before I can come up with an explanation, Lynn blurts an answer out. "He's my dad!"

I almost gasp in surprise, but I go along with it. She grabs my hand and we walk to Room 346. Does Lynn really think of me like a father to her, or did she just make up a lie to get me in?

Nevertheless, I wordlessly follow Lynn in search of the room her mother is in.

Evil Angel ~ Benjamin BurnleyWhere stories live. Discover now