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Shell sat at the window, scratching at the scarf around her neck (o yeah she has a purple and blue scarf too sorry abow dah) because it was itchy.
She meowed at her owner. "Let me out! I want out!"

Her owner merely chuckled and patted Shell's head. "You're an indoor cat." She said.

Indoor cat? What- oh. Me. I'm an indoor cat.

She narrowed her eyes and stared at her owner. "Out!" She meowed again.

Her owner just smiled and walked away. Shell sat there, annoyed. "Out! I want out!"

When she realised she was being ignored, Shell growled and scratched at the door. "Let me out!"


Shell growled again. She nudged at the door and growled. She sniffed and dug at the ground, making a scratch-scratch noise. Her owner ignored her.

Shell meowed loudly. She meowed and meowed. "SHUT UP SHELL!!!!!" Her owner yelled.

Shell grumped and lay down at the door. She curled into a tight, fluffy ball and fell asleep.


Shell opened her eyes and bolted upright. "Huh? Wah? Where am I??"

The cat in front of her chuckled. "I am Gingernose. I have come to show you the forest. Follow me."

Shell was confused. "But the door, it's always locked for me!"

"I'll show you a way out." The slightly glowing cat in front of her said. "You are asleep."

Shell nodded slowly, and then followed Gingernose around the house, scarf dragging along the floor. "How do I get out?"

"I'll show you." Gingernose replied, still calm. "Be patient, Shell."

Shell shut up and followed Gingernose to the back door. "There should be.... ah, here it is." She scratched at the door and pushed it open. "The twolegs left it unlocked."

Shell tilted her head. "Two legs?"

"Yes, the big things that walk around on two legs."


"Sometimes the den entrance will be locked. When that is the case, you have to jump and swat at it, like-" she jumped into the air and swatted at the door, missing it on purpose. "-that."

Shell felt her jaw drop open. "Wow!"

"Now sleep, Shell."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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