chapter 3

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then percy spoke up " now the reason i asked to talk to you is because what i am going to say is a secret." Percy shifted and stood. almost instantly the goddesses, minus Aphrodite who was drooling, were blushing. "i am Percy Jackson. yes. this is what i really look like my previous look was a curse i put  apun myself that would reduce my power which is as strong as a primordials and change my looks. now i am done and i am going to go meet the hunters. Arty could i have a shirt because i don't want the hunter's freaking out with a naked male in their camp."

'Percy is so perfect as he is always thinking about others' the four goddesses and piper thought.

A shirt appeared on him and he looked down at it." hmmmm, thanks Arty" Percy winked

'omg percy likes me' artemis squealed

'no duh he said he loves you' her mind said

'your right'

"Hey you okay Art?y you were making some pretty weird faces."

"uhh i'm fine lets go to the hunt."

And with that percy was off to the bad-ass group of immortal man-hating hunters.

percy jackson guardian of the goddesses and demigoddessWhere stories live. Discover now