chapter 1

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It was 1:00 at camp halfblood, an hour after lunch and Percy Jackson was looking for his girlfriend Annabeth. He was walking back to his cabin when he ran into Piper. Literally.

"Hey pipes what's wrong?" He asked catching her before she hit the ground.

"i walked into cabin 1 so i could talked to Jason and he was making out with anna- a girl." Piper cried into his chest.

"well i 'll go talk to him" said Percy not knowing that Piper was looking at him with pity knowing what he will find. He walks over to cabin 1 and knocks. He hears a squeal and Jason asks who is it.

"dude its Percy and i came to ask you if you knew where Annabeth is and why you cheated on Piper."

"uh come in Perce" Jason said with a strained voice.

Percy walked in finding jason and a blonde girl lying in bed with a sheet covering them. Percy looked closer at the girl and realized that was annabeth.

"what the hell Annabeth, i thought you loved me" percy shouted

"Percy i-" she began.

"No. I can't believe i dated you and this is what you were doing when you said you couldn't hang out with me. You know what stay away from me you slut and don't ever come near me or i will kill you." Percy said

When he ran out his powers went out of control, slowing changing him to show what he really looks like and how strong he is. The Olympians flashed in when they the sudden power surge in the camp. Realizing it was Percy they ran to him only to be stopped fifteen feet from him. they tried blasting away at the force stopping them but it only neutralized their shots. When Piper came she said" this wall of power is Percy's only the one who he loves and cares for can pass." so the Olympians watched as Artemis, Athena, Hera, Hestia and Piper walked past the force and approached Percy. when they reached him he looked up and they noticed his eyes. instead of sea green they were a beautiful silverish green.

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