Chapter 3

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Fuuma sighed as he stocked up supplies in the tower. "Stupid mother, stupid jerk working for some other jerk, stupid curse, stupid everything! I WANT TO GO HOME!"

Sure Acid Tokyo was better than most worlds he had been to (though that wasn't saying too much for the worlds he had been to) but was it too much to ask to see his twin again?

Then again, did he want to see his twin again? Last time they had run into each other Seishirou was in a less than pleasant mood.

"So tell me, what is your wish? Do you want to see him, and if you do why?" Seishirou's eyes narrowed, he hated being questioned about his motives. "I'm a hunter seeking my prey nothing more."

"You're wrong...stop hiding behind the mask, because I can see right through you. I know you just as well as you know yourself."

"And why is that?"

Seishirou rolled his eyes as he sat in the tree, he knew what the answer would be as they sat in the silence of the kekkai.

"You think I can't read your face? You're a good actor but you're not that good. I can see right through you. You forget already? Every day I look in the mirror, I SEE YOUR FACE, we're identical. Yes we're cursed twins but who cares! ADMIT YOU WANT TO SEE HIM AND NOT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO KILL HIM! BECAUSE I DON'T CARE IF YOU KILL ME, I'LL CALL YOU OUT ON LYING!"

"Stay out of my way, get in my way Fuuma and you'll end up like Mother, or should I say you'll end up like I almost did? Because yes I'm cruel enough to activate that curse."

Fuuma shrugged it off. Just who was Subaru-san anyways? Clearly someone important to his twin but all he got out of his brother was that Subaru was the reason he was alive and half vampire now.

"What am I supposed to do? Yuuko-san said to stay here for four's been three." Looking out the window he saw it was raining again. Another day in Acid Tokyo.

"Fuuma! It's the guys from the government building and their new leader is tough. Get down here and give us a hand why don't you?"

"Yeah yeah." Walking down he grabbed his gun and put it in its holster.

"So you guys here for our supply again, huh?" Honey eyes looked up and instantly were drawn to a pair of violet orbs.

Aside from the obvious, why did Fuuma get a forbidding feeling from those eyes?

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