Chapter 2

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Fuuma backed up. He knew how to fight of course, both of them had trained since they were little to inherit the title of 'Sakurazukamori'; however, he also knew despite being the same age, he was no match for his older twin. He was the prodigy and his magical abilities topped Fuuma's own. Top it off that now it seemed his twin had vampire blood running through his veins (how that happened was a mystery to the younger brother, he was sure he would figure it out in time, providing Seishirou didn't kill him tonight.)
"Don't call me that, anyone that doesn't deem it worthy of me being happy isn't any family of mine. When you go to hell you can ask Mother and Father, both of them sacrifices to the Sakura and because of you, I nearly joined them. Well now you're going to join them."
A quick motion and his sword was summoned. "Since we shared everything together my dearest brother, I'll give you a head start, start running."
Fuuma refused to leave. If it was his brother's wish to kill him then he'd let him, but not without putting up a hell of a fight. He pulled out his whip and wrapped it around his brother's creepy sword, trying to pull it out of his brother's hand, so at least then they'd be somewhat equally matched.
"Oh you want hand to hand combat do you? Fine by me." The sword vanished and honey brown eyes followed the lithe form of his twin as he hopped from the front steps to the tree to...where'd he go?
"Looking for me brother mine?"
Fuuma found himself pinned against the family house, he could break free (maybe) if he only fought back, but how does one fight their twin?
"Well well, looks like even in my half weakened state I can handle you, even if you were so gifted with physical confirmation as we were younger, while I studied the theories of it. I learnt quick enough of course, so any last words?"
"Are you really going to kill me Nii-san?"
"Didn't I tell you not to call me that?" Amber eyes narrowed and the well trained hand raised, ready to plunge through his chest, like it had through his father's.
"But Nii-san...please..." He was fumbling in his pocket with the compass he had from Yuuko, if he could get a hold of her, maybe, just maybe...
He knew he had to do it. His idiotic brother had cost him his one shot at happiness in activating that curse. If he had never done it, Subaru-kun wouldn't have had to shed his blood for him and they could still be happy...
"You're content being with me even though you know I'm a killer, Subaru-kun?"
"You may have been raised as a killer and you may still kill, but I can see into your mind and your soul. You're truly kind Seishirou-san."
"You think so? I could kill you right here you know."
"You could, but you won't." The young vampire stretched up to kiss his lover resulting in a shocked expression occupying Seishirou's face, Subaru never kissed him first.
And then there was Fuuma. The only real family he had ever known. They always had each other's backs and always shared their dreams with each other.
"One day it will be great to leave this dank place and explore won't it, Nii-san?"
"You should come with me! Get away from Mother and Father!"
"Not until I do what I set out to do, Fuuma."
"And what's that...Seishirou?"
"To prove Mother wrong of course. To fall in love and be loved in return, with someone that isn't my mother."
"We both will! But will someone really love the Sakurazukamori?"
"Not a problem you have to face is it?"
"But you'll never be able to kill Mother, will you?"
"Then leave it to me, I'm the oldest, I'll handle her, Father too."
Even with those memories flooding through his head, he knew he had to do it. Claws emerged from his hand and he decided to use them, it was Fuuma's fault he was like this so he would die by his vampire powers.
"Hold on Seishirou."
Golden eyes opened and he saw a hologram of a woman in front of him. "I suppose you're the dimensional witch that my brother works for?"
"I am. Your brother was tricked into activating that curse, you see I know of it, I knew your mother and the kind of woman she was. However, killing your twin will not get you what you seek; I can help you, for a price," She paused. "Are you interested?"
"I am. What's the price?"
"Fuuma, bring your twin here to the shop, we'll see what can be done."
"Come on Nii-san...take my hand."
"You've got to be kidding me..." Placing his hand on top of Fuuma's as the compass spun he found himself in an ancient shop.
"Well I must say Fuuma, out of all the things you've delivered to me, this is by far the most unique, your twin brother, heir to the Sakurazukamori clan. What a marvelous feat indeed."
"Stop stalling, you said you could help me find Subaru-kun, how exactly do I do that?"
"By traveling worlds like he can and like your brother can. As for the price you have a choice; work for me like your brother does and you may find him on certain worlds."
"No way, I work alone."
"Fine then, your right eye and half your magical power will suffice. Of course you may end up helping me without knowing it anyways."
"Nii-san! You can't! Without your magic at full strength you'll rely on your vampire instincts and you don't have access to the blood from the one that turned you, do you?! Just come with me, I'll help you find him."
"No, I'll be fine, my magic is strong enough to sustain me, I'll find Subaru-kun. Just do me a favor and stay out of my way Fuuma."
Fuuma turned his head when his brother's right eye got exchanged for the magic one. He turned just to see his brother taking off.
"Don't give up hope Fuuma, you are his twin after all, you can get through to him."

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