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"Babe, you almost ready?" I yelled up the stairs at my girlfriend.
"Yep," she hollered back down. I quickly grabbed my car keys out of my pocket before reaching for my phone and checking the time.
Great! We had to pick up my sister and her boyfriend for dinner in less than 10 minutes.
"Maia!" I yelled again, "we're gonna be late!"
"Babe, I'm coming!" Maia chuckled, as I watched her rush down the stairs. I was speechless. She looked absolutely stunning. She had curled her brown locks just enough to called them curled and had put on a beautiful black mini dress.
"Are we going or what?" Maia asked as soon as she saw me just staring at her.
"Sorry," I smiled, "you look beautiful though." I told her. She smiled and blushed a little as she grabbed her heels and took my hand.
"Let's go," she giggled as she pushed open the door and basically dragged me out to the car. I quickly hopped in the car and started it up while waiting for Maia to get in the passenger side. I looked down at the clock in my car.
We had five minutes.
"Damnit, Ross, we're late," Maia informed me, pointing down at the clock.
"Yeah I know," I laughed as I began speeding over to Rydel's. Within 10 minutes, we were at Rydel and her boyfriend, Alex's place. They both quickly hopped in the backseat upon my honking the horn in their driveway.
"Hey," Alex smiled as I watched the two of them buckle up through the rear view mirror.
"Hey," Maia smiled, turning around to look at them. I watched as Rydel flashed a smile over at Maia and then began blushing a little.
What was that? I thought to myself. I began backing out of the lane way and quickly grabbed Maia's hand as soon as we got out. I didn't really know what had just happened with Rydel and Maia but I wanted to make sure that Maia still loved me. I was relieved when Maia took my hand and squeezed it and she looked over at me and smiled. The ride to the restaurant was pretty uneventful, just me and Alex talking and laughing about who knows what and Rydel and Maia awkwardly joining in the conversation whenever they felt the need to say something.
We finally got to the restaurant, just in time to make it to our 8 o'clock reservation. I watched as Alex and Maia both quickly opened their doors and Alex rushed to the other side of the vehicle to open Rydel's door for her. However, I just sat there, contemplating what had happened between Rydel and Maia. I figured I was overreacting and it was probably nothing. But what if it wasn't nothing? What if-
Suddenly, I heard my door open and startled, I turned to see Alex standing there.
"Were you waiting for me to help you out too?" he laughed.
"As a matter of fact, I was," I joked. Alex and I both chuckled as he grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car before I linked my arm into his. Maia and Rydel both laughed as Rydel quickly went to take Alex's free arm and Maia went to take mine. We walked as a foursome, smiling at laughing at our attempts to look elegant. Our first Challenge came when we got to the door. Unfortunately, they don't make doors big enough for four people to go in at once.
"This isn't gonna work," Alex chuckled as we came to the door. Rydel and Maia smiled over at each other and before Alex and I had time to think, they were behind us, with their arms linked, looking over at the other and smiling. I couldn't help but feel something was up, but because this was supposed to be a nice dinner date, I tried to kill those suspicions. Alex chuckled as he led me into the restaurant, still with his arm linked in mine.
"Big date tonight?" The person who was supposed to see us to our table asked.
"Yep," Alex grinned as I looked back to see that Rydel and Maia were really far behind us.
"Not like that though," I said as I saw the waitress' slightly confused face, "we're not together. We're here with our girlfriends."
Alex and the waitress both smiled as the waitress nodded slightly more impressed that we found girls to go out with. It wasn't long before Rydel and Maia showed up beside us, still laughing.
"Don't ever leave us alone like that again," I chuckled, "that waitress thought Alex and I were dating!"
"Oh really? You're not dating?" Rydel smiled.
"I thought you were," Maia grinned.
"Oh come on, cut it out," I laughed as I let go of Alex's arm and grabbed Maia's hand. Our waitress led us over to a darker booth in the back of the restaurant and started by taking our drink orders. We all sat and talked for a while, but I couldn't help but notice that even though I was sitting beside Maia and Alex was sitting by Rydel, Rydel and Maia chose to sit across from each other. I couldn't help but notice that they only used one hand to eat as their second hands were invisible to us practically the whole meal. What was going on with them? I needed to find out, but at the same time, I didn't want to look stupid if nothing was going on.
"We're gonna use the washroom." Maia's voice broke me out of my thoughts as I saw both Maia and Rydel standing up beside the table.
"Okay, have fun," Alex laughed. I smiled as I watched the two girls leave.
"Ross are you okay?" Alex asked as he put his hand on my wrist.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I grinned, still thinking about the girls.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
"Alex, I'm fine," I smiled. He didn't question me any further as we went back to talking about the most random stuff, mostly the movie that we were in together that was going to be released soon, My Friend Dahmer. It took about 10 minutes for the girls to get back out of the bathroom and once again, I got a little suspicious. The rest of the meal was amazing and I tried not to think about what was going on with Maia and Rydel. I decided that I would ask Maia about it on the drive home after we dropped off Rydel and Alex. After the meal was finished, we all grabbed our stuff and left our seats. Just before we started walking to the car, I quickly grabbed Maia's hand before Rydel had a chance to do anything. Maia looked over at me and smiled a little before we began walking over to the van once again. The drive home was a lot more silent and awkward than the drive there. After about 20 minutes, we came to Rydel and Alex's place. They both grinned and thanked me for the ride before Alex got out of the car and ran around to the other side to help Rydel out of the car. I took a deep breath as Rydel's door closed and I began backing out of the driveway, rehearsing what I was going to say to Maia in my head.
"Hey can I ask you something?" I was finally able to ask.
"Yeah sure, love, ask me anything," Maia smiled as she squeezed my hand again.
"What's going on with you and Rydel?" I asked, just letting the words flow out. Maia expression changed immediately from smiling and attentive to a "deer in the headlights" look.
My heart dropped. Maybe this was something after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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