Chapter 1

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"Well then congratulations, you're having twins."

The woman looked at the monitor with a frown. So it was true. "My father would look down on me and laugh! What a disgrace!"

"What's the matter Setsuka?"

"I can't have twins! There can only be one Sakurazukamori! One child born under the cherry tree!"

"Well then let them pick which one wants it?"

"No, they'll both be raised as Sakurazukamori and at the end one of them will have to kill the other."


"Fuuma! Pay attention! You see your brother has the stance down."

The two seven year old twins sat under a Sakura tree both supposed to be meditating but one of them wasn't really paying attention.

"But mother! I want to play! I don't want to be a killer!"

"Just deal with it Otouto-chan, with that attitude, however can you hope to inherit everything?"


One of the twins (now fifteen) sat under the Sakura tree looking up at it. "You should just change your namesake, you're no Sakurazukamori."

"Then I will, I never wanted this, I wanted to be a normal teenager."

"You can't be normal, not with who you were born-" A sharp black blade went through the woman's chest before it was pulled back leaving a puddle of blood in its wake.

"There, that makes me Sakurazukamori, right, Mother?"

"Oh dear, dear, Seishirou, I suppose you are my dear sweet boy."

Behind them Fuuma imitated gagging motions. Amber eyes rested on him and went into a smirk. "However my dear, let me say this, with the last of my power I'm placing a spell on you and your sweet brother. No one can know you are twins. Speak it and the one who does watches the other be devoured by the Tree. And for you my dear, you get to watch your younger brother fall in love and be loved."

At this Seishirou snorted. "As if that matters."

"You'll see one day. Sayonara, Seishirou."

"Sayonara, Mother," A ghost of a kiss left to the corner of her lips. "Now then, you don't have to worry about trying and failing to kill me, do you Otouto-chan?"


When the twins were eighteen Fuuma came home to a surprise. "Um Nii-san? Why on earth are you dressed like a priest?"

"Oh hello Otouto-chan. Why am I dressed like this you ask? I'm just making an honest living as the world's priest."

"Um Nii-san, I need to tell you something."

"You're about to tell me that you're leaving on a journey because this world drives you nuts and you want to go out and explore, right?" Fuuma didn't ask how his brother knew, he had always known everything. "Well don't stay here on my account, I have everything I need here. So go on."


With Fuuma gone it gave Seishirou time to indulge in more, pleasurable things. Right now it was the dead of the night and on his arm was a beautiful young boy.


"What is it?"

"Why do you only meet me at night?"

"Less people around to see you, Subaru-kun," They were standing by the Sakura tree outside Seishirou's front door. "You truly are adorable you know that Subaru-kun?"

Even in the moonlight the vampire's blush was noticeable. "Subaru-kun I..." He leaned forward and kissed the vampire who clung to the taller man as they kissed.

They pulled away and Seishirou leaned his forehead against Subaru's. The vampire looked at him with ever curious green eyes. "W-what were you going to say Seishirou-san?"

"That" Suddenly Seishirou froze in Subaru's loose embrace.


Fuuma had just finished a job for Yuuko when a man in glasses approached him. "Are you Fuuma-san?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well you know the Dimensional Witch right?"

"Yeah." Fuuma hadn't really been approached by anyone else that had known Yuuko.

"Do you ever miss home?"

"Sometimes, my home isn't much, just my big brother."

"I wish I had siblings, how much younger that your brother are you?"

"Not by much."

"Oh, are you twins?"


A sly smirk. "Well it was nice to speak to you."

As Fuuma started to walk he heard his magic compass go off. "Fuuma, you need to go back home, your mother's curse has activated."

Honey brown eyes widened. He had thought since Yuuko-san knew of it and that guy claimed to know Yuuko-san it would be alright! He programmed his compass to head back home.


Seishirou fell forward as the Sakura branch withdrew from his chest, Subaru caught the slight weight in his arms. "Seishirou-san! Why?"

"Just an ancient spell by my mother, Subaru-kun." So his mother was right. He would never really get to fall in love. Not completely anyways. "I'm sorry Subaru-kun..."

"No don't talk, you need to save your strength."

"I'm afraid I'm fertilizer for my own tree."


Amber eyes widened, he had never seen the vampire lose control before. There were tears pouring out of his now golden eyes. Through his blurred vision he saw claws extend and slash across a pale wrist. The blood fell into his partner's mouth and amber eyes opened before turning into golden slits.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't lose you. Please forgive me!"

"I-I-can't hate you Subaru-kun, but...why would you?"

He never got to answer, at that moment Subaru's twin swept him away. At that moment Fuuma came running up the walkway.


"Listen to me Monou-kun, I don't have Sei-chan as much as I 'd like him to be here with me."

"Hello Fuuma Otouto-chan."


"Yes I'm alive, no thanks to you," Fuuma went running to hug his brother only to be stopped by a long vampire claw. "DON'T come near me. I hope you're ready for a fight, little brother, because now we fight to the death. You have no idea what you took away from me in activating that curse."

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