Chapter 1: 17th Birthday

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I see ponies everywhere. A pink one, blue one, pink one...and they're all mine, I'm smiling from ear to ear, this is amazing! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Shout the ponies. Hm I didn't know ponies could talk, but oh well I'll just roll with it.

Suddenly, I'm jolted awake by my 9 year old brother, Omar,  jumping on me. My back hurt so much from such a little guy, I groan, and I look around me and see them all wearing happy birthday hats and my mom holding a tray of breakfast-eggs, turkey bacon, and chocolate chip pancakes, yum! I look at the time; it's 6 am on a Saturday, why did they have to wake me up so early? I couldn't be too angry though because they did bring me food. "Awh, thank you guys!" I smiled and engulfed them in a group hug, "I love you so much Maryooma, you may be getting old but you're still by baby girl!" She cooed, and attacked me with kisses.

"Ugh, don't get all gushy on me Mama, and please, don't call me that." I scrunched my nose, while wiping the slobber off my face. I hate hugs and kisses, always have, it just irritates me and makes me feel so suffocated and trapped. I also hated that nickname because of how childish it was-especially now since I am 17 after all; almost an adult.

This evening my family promised to leave the house and stay over at a family friend's house so I can invite people from my school and have a birthday party-I've been looking forward to this day for months! I go to an all-girls school called Dankins, it's pretty small with about 20 people per grade, so of course I was friends with everyone in my grade and a few people from other grades as well, so I just invited the whole high school sector over to my house. You any be wondering: how can my house fit 80 people? Well my dad works as the CEO of Seattle bank so we're practically millionaires. Our house is basically a mansion; 3 floors with about 7 rooms on each floor, plus a huge pool. It's the perfect place for a party, however, they're very strict so hey never let me throw one before, but they finally let me have one today-I could hardly wait!

My family finally left my room, and I brushed my teeth, ate the breakfast they left at my nightstand, then put on leggings and a t-shirt for hiking. My family has a weird tradition of going to a hiking trail every time it's someone's birthday, and even though I hated all other forms of exercise, I love walking.

A few hours later we returned and it was time to start preparing for the party. I bought some decorations earlier that week from party city such as banners, streamers, balloons, etc. I already ordered the pizzas for 7:00, got some small snacks/refreshments such as chips, dip, punch, lemonade and cookies from Walmart and had the ice cream cake in the freezer already; I was prepared. My best friends; Lucy and Dina, came over early to help me decorate and set everything up.

Afterwards, I showered, and changed into a black, silver embroidered, strapless dress that went just above the knees. They helped me do my hair and makeup and I did a little twirl in the mirror; tonight is gonna be perfect.

People started coming into the party and people were mingling, playing Board games, x-box, eating the food, and I got so many presents. Everything was going perfectly until a couple of guys showed up at the door.

They were at least 6 feet tall and very built, but seemed around my age by the looks of it. "Um, I think you have the wrong house..." I chuckle. "No." Said one of the guys; he had short blonde hair with bulging muscles; beautiful and scary at the same time. "We heard you were throwing a party and wanted to join." He said. "Look, I don't know you and my parents wouldn't let me just invite strangers so I can't let you in, sorry."

"It was a demand, not a question little girl" Said another one with black hair and a variety of tattoos. I gulped, I'm so stupid, I should've checked before opening the door....or closed the gate so they couldn't get to the door in the first place. The third guy pointed a gun to my head "You're gonna let us into your house and let us get whatever the hell we want, got it?" He shouted.

I felt tears prickling in my eyes and couldn't speak, so I just nodded. and lead them in. The room grew silent as we walked in. With shaky hands, I put the TV, laptop, and some of my mom's jeweler into the bag, tears flooding my face the whole time. Why today, the one day I have people over-On my BIRTHDAY?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear sirens outside the house. Yes! The police are here, but what about the gun pointed to my head? Will they shoot? I start to worry. "Bi***, you called the police?" Asked the guy with the tattoos, "now I'm really gonna shoot you now." "That isn't such a good idea, we're in enough trouble as it is..let's just go, please." Pleaded the one with the blonde hair. "No, I'm gonna finish her off, she has nerve calling the police after how nice I was to her, I wasn't gonna touch her." He snapped. I didn't call the police; I don't even have my phone with me and I have no idea who did, but I don't wanna die. "How am I supposed to call the police without a phone smartass?" I asked, then scolded myself. This isn't the time to be ticking him off, " Look I'm sorry but it wasn't me i swear. You have to believe me please, I'll do anything, I'll tell them it was a false alarm and let you sneak out, just p-please don't kill me." I begged, choking on my tears, "I'll do anything you want." "Well It's too late, they're already here, and I don't believe you." Said the tattooed guy, pointing the gun at my head, but before he could shoot the blonde guy tackled him, causing the shot to hit my left abdomen instead. I fall over with a thud. My eyes feel like bricks; pain courses through my body and I curl up into a ball with a aloud shriek, but try to maintain consciousness. As hard as I'm trying to stay awake, my vision becomes spotty and my eyes begin to slowly shut.

"What the hell what that for?!" Exclaimed the black-haired guy, but before the blonde one could say anything the police had them both in handcuffs, and that's when my eyes closed completely, and I passed out.

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