play dead: chapter 2

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chapter 2

chelly's pov

after saying hi to everbody again and just chatting and explaining to them where i was, what happened and how i got here and about kelly, rick got me my own cell.

"thanks rick" i smiled

"you're welcome, kiddo. if there's anything that you need, we're just here" he said exiting my cell.

i lay down on my bed, exhausted and happy that i'm finally back. maggie then went in my cell

"hey, chells" maggie said

"hey, maggie" i smiled. she sat down on my bed. "we've missed you lots" she told me "i've missed you guys too. i'm really happy i'm back and i'm also hoping that i'll get along with these new people. you know how i am" i said

"yeah. they're pretty good people. they had no idea what the governor was capable of" she said

"yeah. if i were here when this happened, i would've shot an arrow right through his freaking eye" i laughed

"yeah, well, it's good to have you back. you better get some rest" she said, kissing my forehead and exiting my cell.

i sighed, falling asleep.


i woke up to someone shaking me. i groaned and put the pillow on my head. "chelly, come on wake up" carl said. "whaaaatttt" i said, whining. "we need you to go on watch. they're going on a run and i'm assigned to.." he said, not continuing his sentence. "you're assigned to what?" i said, sitting up. "to plant more plants and feed the pigs and horses" he said scratching the back of his head. obviously embarassed.

i laughed at him and said "so you're a farmer now?" i asked, smirking

"my dad confiscated my gun. i did something that i wasn't supposed to do" he told me.

"what was that, sheriff? did you plant tomatoes in the lettuce area or something?" i asked still smirking

"i killed someone that wasn't a threat. i was protecting hershel and beth and judith and i had no choice. it was for our own good" he told me. dead serious.

"oh..." i took his hand and smiled. "you did the right thing, carl. don't feel bad about it" i let go of his hand and went up the watch tower and saw a shotgun with a note.

it said

"take good care of the people here, chelly. we trust you and your oh so great fighting skills... just kidding lil bitch. we'll be back in a bit. we love u to peices. xoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo whatever that means

- daryl, rick, glenn, maggie"

i smiled at the note and i was 110% sure that daryl wrote the lil bitch part and whatever that means part. 

i sat down on the bench like chair and kept watch. 

i looked over to the prison and saw carl feeding the pigs and accidentally tripping. i laughed so hard that he heard me. he looked over at me and i gave him a thumbs up.


"YOU WISH DOUCHEBAG" i screamed back.

i missed these people. even though there was this zombie apocalypse happening, we still saw the good in life. we still kept laughing and loving and protecting each other. as long as i have my family i am happy. as long as they are safe i am happy.

i saw daryl's motorcycle and a car come into view and i knew right away because the motorcycle was a chopper. it was daryl

"they're here!!!" i told carl from up the tower.

i ran as fast as i can down the gates and opened them with the help of carl.

after they got in they got loads of food and medicine and clothes. they all settled and i stood infront of them. "the note you guys wrote made my day" i smiled at them. they smiled too and each one of them kissed my forehead. 

"chelly!" dary called me. i walked over to him. "i got something for you while we were out" he said. then he pulled out a bow and arrow from behind him. "since you've lost yours, i thought i would get one for you" he smiled handing it to me. "OH MY GOD THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!" i said jumping up and down. "come on let's go hunting!!" i said, pulling him with him. "no one's going out of the gates" michonne all said to us.

we all looked over to her. "what's the matter?" rick asked michonne. "the governor is still out there and we're not risking any lives anymore. we can't lose anyone anymore" michonne told rick and us.

"michonne's right. we know what the governor is capable of and we don't know where he is. we need to keep safe" hershel told us

"i thought he was gone?" carl said

"he's not. he's still out there somewhere" michonne said

"but we can't just keep hiding like this. we have to atleast do something about it" carl said

"the council will have to talk about this. we'll talk about it later. just not now" rick told them.

they all nodded and went to do their jobs. carl was pretty pissed off. i followed him and helped him in harvesting. "what's up your ass?" i asked, trying to make him smile. he half smiled and said "nothing. i just think that it's wrong to just hide. all we have ever done is just hide behind these fences. what if the governor makes a move again?" he said. "listen, carl. as long as we're here, we're gonna be safe. behind these fences are the best we have had ever since the farm" i told him

"i'm just tired of losing people" he told me. "so am i" i told him and held his hand. "we're gonna get through this, carl. we are gonna fight this world. we are going to. for all the people that we have loved that has passed away" i told him now holding his face. "we're gonna get through this. together" and he wrapped his arms around me.

"i miss you" he told me. "what do you mean? im right here, carl. i'll never leave" i told him "i miss you. you, being my girlfriend. what are we, chelly??" he asked, a little bit teary-eyed. "i honestly don't know, carl" i told him. resting my head on his shoulder. 


"yeah?" i asked

he leaned in and kissed me. i kissed back. those lips i've missed. those sparks that were gone has come back. 

"will you be my girlfriend?" 

"ofcourse i will, carl" i smiled and kissed him once again.

i finally have my carl back.


author's note

do u know how long it took me to wrote this?!? almost 3 hours because of my freeaaaaking dad going in my room every once in a while so i had to hide this. 


but guys chapter 2 omg omg. hopefully i will be able to publish 3 chapters today because no school!!!!!!!! yea bebi.


i like to write so whatevs


ig; @livingforchandy

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