Chapter 8 - Who's in control?

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© Sandra Corton 2014

 Chapter 8 – Who’s in control?

Winter’s POV

So today has officially become the weirdest day in my existence. Starting from breakfast it didn't stop being strange at all. Zeke chose to hang out with me which was odd in itself but he actually seemed to enjoy my company as well.

For breakfast he somehow managed a huge banquet of food set up under the canopy of trees where I normally liked to sit. I would have asked how he knew this was my spot but I reminded myself that he was an incredibly accurate psychic.

He was so sweet and nice to me that I had to wonder if he had some angle I hadn't quite figured out yet. It seemed he hadn't though. I just wish that when he touched me I felt the same sparks and electricity that I did with Caz. There was nothing like that at all. 

"Are you ready to start school?" I asked as I ate the last piece of toast that I had slathered with butter and jam. He made a face at me before looking away.

"Maybe." He said with a shrug and I looked at him. For the first time ever he looked uncertain.

"Mr Polden is a really great teacher, or so I've heard." I tried to reassure him with a smile but he didn't seem convinced.

"Winter I didn't come here to learn control of my powers. I have more control over them than what Mr Polden does his." He told me with a roll of his eyes and I was completely baffled by what he meant.

"I don't get it." I said staring at him but he simply leaned back on his elbows and glanced away.

"Did you know there are infinite possibilities Winter? I see the future based on the decision someone will make. If they change their mind then in an instant their future has changed." He boldly looked over at me then and I was struck by the gold in amongst the brown of his eyes.

"That must be confusing." I said and he nodded.

"Unbelievably so." He agreed with a slight nod of his head.

"So all that stuff you told Quill and Cole last night may not even happen?" I asked feeling a bit devastated that Quill may never be the exotic dancer he proclaimed.

"Some decisions are more solid than others. Quill's jealousy of you is what may send her down the wrong path. Even though I warned her she will still be the one to choose that path." He told me and I almost choked on his words.

"Quill's not jealous of me." I shook my head at him but he simply grinned.

"It's time to go." He said it really quickly as he began packing everything away. "Go find your locker Winter, I'll meet you there." He swished me away hurriedly and I don't know why but I did exactly as he asked.

The day only got stranger after that. Caz seemed so angry and hurt but I had no idea why.  I had wanted him to join us this morning but he continued to stand by Cole and Quill.

The fact that he wanted to stay just friends when he chose to kiss me had all my emotions jumbled together. Me kissing him, well that was all me by he chose to kiss me and I didn't force him too. Now I'm stuck back in the friend’s zone knowing that I was never going to be anything but.

By lunch I had worked myself into a bit of a tizzy over the whole kiss thing. I glanced across to see him talking to two of the new girls I remembered from enrolments. Why couldn't he be that kind of guy in public with me? Sure I had no powers but we were best friends, didn't that mean something? 

He glanced at me, the warmth from his gaze and smile lifted my spirits somewhat. I gathered some food together, not really caring what I ate. When everyone went quite I quickly scanned area for signs of potential hazard coming my way.

For once it had nothing to do with tormenting me, which was something new. Instead Zeke stood looking defiantly at Quill who was simply smiling so hard that I'm surprised her face didn't break. He pointedly stared down at her fingers that had a tight hold of his bicep.

"Let me go." Zeke's words were firm but Quill stayed strong.

"You are being utterly ridiculous Zeke. Come and sit with us. You are so powerful that you should be sitting with us." Quill focused on him and I knew she was using her mind bending power.

"What with the weaklings of the bunch?" Was it just my imagination or did Zeke say those words directly to Caz? I must have been right because I saw Caz flinch away from the suggestion.

"No we are the strong ones."

Quill's words became quite mesmerising as she threw all her power at an annoyed looking Zeke. I was unable to stop the Caz like snort that attracted unwanted attention my way. Quill sent me a glare and I couldn't help the smirk that filled my face.

"Looks like your powers are dwindling Quill, no wonder you were in booth E." I said smoothly before grabbing my lunch and walking over to an empty table.

If looks could kill, Quill would have had me dead in that instant but I couldn't care. She had only ever used her powers to manipulate others, never for the good of the rest of society. She was selfish in her use of power and always had been. As much as my family tried to instil good moral use of ones powers, sometimes it was never taken on board.

"You will let me go now." Zeke's words thundered around the room and I simply grinned. I was liking Zeke more and more every minute.

"I think you will reconsider." Quill ran her fingers along Zeke's arm but he quickly pulled away.

"A word of advice Quill, I am not one of these easily manipulated cronies of yours." I swear Zeke pointed to Caz then. "And your power doesn't work on me."

He yanked away from a spluttering Quill and I couldn't help the grin of satisfaction that crossed my lips. It soon dropped away when he scanned the room and I just knew he was searching for me. I sent him a timid smile and a wave which he returned enthusiastically.

"Her? You're going to sit with her?" Quill's voice peaked in a high screech.

"Yes and I'm not the only one that should be sitting there."

This time his look at Caz was penetrating so I watched my best friend carefully. He bit his lip looking completely indecisive and the part of me that disliked his cowardice grew. My shoulders sagged and I finally accepted the truth. Caz would never treat me the way I deserved to be treated. He would always give in to the masses.

He sent me a look that asked for help but there was nothing I could do for him. He kept choosing them over me and it didn't look like that was going to change any time soon. Zeke shook his head and fully glared at Caz before turning away with a look of disgust prominent on his face. He looked at me with a rueful smile and I felt overwhelmed that he was trying to help me.

"Thanks but there's no use even trying to reason with him." I said when Zeke sat down at my table.

"How do you put up with it?" He asked seriously.

"I don't know it's been this way since the first day he got here." I told him as I dared a glance at Caz.

He was staring at me, a look of longing on his face. That made me mad! He could make his own choices and yet choosing not to make a decision was the same as making one by my way of thinking.

He quite deliberately didn't choose me so there was no ruckus in his social standing. His cowardice only seemed to be getting worse this year. I felt his eyes on me as I offered Zeke some of my lunch. Daring to look at him again all I found was a searing anger that I couldn't understand. It wasn't directed at me though; its focus was completely on Zeke.

"If looks could kill right?" Zeke said with a grin.

"I was thinking that earlier with Quill." I said with a laugh.

"I warned him last night but he doesn't seem to have listened." Zeke sighed as he grabbed the ham sandwich I offered him.

"Caz isn't going to change Zeke." I told him sadly.

"Well he's going to have to." Zeke muttered the words so I could hardly hear them.

"Don't worry about it okay." I said reaching out to touch his wrist. He sucked in a quick breath, his eyes going to mine in surprise.

"That is unbelievably freeing." He exclaimed with his voice full of awe.

"Sorry what?" I asked in confusion as I pulled me hand quickly away.

"Your power even works on me. That is so cool." His smile went rather dreamy as he watched me.

"That's a really freaky statement." I replied in alarm as I moved away from him.

"Not really, it will make sense to you one day soon believe me." He sent me a reassuring smile but it didn't help me to feel much better.

"How did you survive in normal school? I mean your words are bizarre to me and I've heard some really strange stuff over the years." I said while shaking my head. He seemed bewildered by what I asked him before he appeared to understand just as quickly.

"I didn't really. I learnt to stop telling people things but sometimes it just came out, you know? I got beat up sometimes when things I said came true but that's the way it is I guess." He shrugged a little seeming unperturbed by his words and I had to admit he was a much stronger person than I was.

"Well I'm not going to beat you up in case you're wondering." I said with a little laugh.

"That's one of the reasons I like you." He sent me what I was now calling his trademark wink.

"Why because I'm not strong enough to beat you up?" I asked looking at the huge difference between our builds.

"No I like you because you’re normal. Some of these guys with powers are just so damn smug about their awesomeness. It seems a bit immature to me really."

My heart fell at his words. He liked me due to my normality but I couldn't be anything else, could I? I felt something between anger and despair take hold of me then. It made me look at Caz only to find him watching me sadly.

"Great, normal is exactly what I've always wanted to be." I said sarcastically and he closed his eyes briefly.

"That's not the way I meant it. You are a Mangalow and even if you were powerless you still deserve to be proud about how much your family has succeeded.  From what I can see though you are all really nice people that do a great job both in the school and in saving people's lives." He explained and I felt surprisingly flattered by his words.

"They are just my family." I replied looking down at the ground momentarily.

"And despite the powers you all have you are kind, nice and rather down to earth people. I can't help but like you." He grinned at me and I was unable to stop the smile at his genuinely said words.

"Did you want to come over to my place and meet them after school?" I asked a bit too excitedly but he nodded eagerly in reply.

"That would be great. Oh well time to get back to it." As he said the words the bell rang and he sent me a rather sheepish look.

"That will take some time to get used to." I told him as I went to shove my elbow into his ribs.

"At least you want to take the time." He said and I couldn't help but smile. I really did want to get to know him better, crazy quirks and all.

"Of course I do, you're the only one willing to talk to me." I said dryly.

"That's because I know the truth." He tapped the side of his head before walking off.

I found myself standing there practically alone. I hadn't realised we had been talking for so long. I felt a tap on my shoulder and instantly tensed. I turned to see Caz and I'm sure my mouth dropped open in shock. He never approached me at school ever. I had even been surprised this morning when he had talked to me near his locker.

"Is everything okay Caz?" I asked the same question I seemed to be repeating recently. Was this the only thing I would ever be able to ask him again?

"I just wanted to ask you uh whether you still want me to come over after school?" He asked me awkwardly and I hated that we had become like this to each other.

"Sure if you've got nothing else happening." I shrugged a shoulder at him as casually as I could manage.

"I don't, you know that." He looked over my shoulder and stiffened. "I guess I'll see you then." He left and I was confused by his abrupt departure.

"Stop stealing all the guys!" Quill snarled at me as she shoved me in the arm.

I turned to face her feeling an icy coldness rush through me at the fact that Caz had just abandoned me to her. I turned in the direction he had left but my best friend was nowhere to be seen. Why did he keep doing this to me? Weren't friends supposed to support friends? He always just ran away leaving me feeling frustrated and unloved.

"Like I'm even trying to." I said wryly as I faced her with my attitude and walls in place.

"Yes you are!" Quill stamped her foot childishly and I couldn't help but laugh at how silly she looked.

"I've got so many better things to do with my time." I rolled my eyes at her sheer stupidity and went to walk away.

"It ends now." Her voice was smothered in hatred so I quickly turned back to her, preparing myself for a fight. "You are going to leave all the guys alone." She said in a mesmerising way which I guessed was her trying to use her powers on me. I simply yawned, looked at my nails and tapped my foot.

"Are we done here? If you haven't noticed the guys came to me and not the other way around." I forced smugness into my tone before walking calmly away and leaving her spluttering to nobody.

I skipped class then and went home. I couldn't handle anymore craziness today. I just lay down on my welcoming bed and considered all the strange stuff that had gone on today. I was so used to being on my own but I had to admit that having Zeke as company today had been great.

My insides clenched and the bitterness returned when my thoughts strayed to Caz though. Why couldn't he have been the one sitting with me at lunch? Why didn't he stay with me and at least be a bit supportive with Quill? As the questions filled my mind the nasty taste of bitterness grew inside of me.

I was startled out of my depressing thoughts by the front door banging open and a flurry of voices filling the air. What was going on? I went to peek out of my doorway only to find myself blocked by a fierce swirl of air.

"Winnie I'm so glad you’re alright." Caz's relieved voice filled my ears as he pulled me in for a tight hug.

"Ugh Caz let up and tell me what's going on." I pushed away from him still furious over his earlier abandonment of me.

"Where have you been?" Mums panicked but rage filled voice had all the electronics in the house flickering as she stormed up the stairs to join us.

"I came home because Quill decided to be mean and my next class included her." I said it quickly knowing my reasoning sounded stupid.

"I see." Mum calmed down as she pulled me in for a bone crushing hug as well.

"What's up with you guys?" I asked as Dad appeared at the top of the stairs along with all my siblings. The panic in their eyes faded to relief. I saw all my brothers and sisters send both of my parents a stern gaze.

"Nothing honey, it's just you disappeared from school and we didn't know where you had gone." Mum's answer seemed ridiculous to me.

It wasn't the first time I had come home early. Normally it required a lot more tears flowing though. Someone had always come to check on me but nothing like this oddness. I had a sneaking suspicion that something was going on that involved me but nobody would talk to me about it.

I knew from Caz's face that he didn't have much knowledge about why he was here. The rest of my family knew something though and I could see they weren't willing to disclose any information to me.

"I did tell you she was perfectly alright." A new voice said into the silence and I looked over to a calmly smiling Zeke. "That is still a way off."

It was then I knew that Zeke was not only in the loop but had a lot of knowledge of this whole situation. I would have to get him alone to talk to him about it. I sent him a look and for the first time he looked different to me.

He was no teenager instead he seemed to be a man that had seen many centuries. A regal bearing surrounded him as did a power of which I had never seen the like. I blinked and he went back to being normal Zeke. I scrubbed my eyes thinking maybe I had imagined what had happened. Zeke sent me a grin and one of those winks so I knew I hadn't been mistaken at all.

"So if you're all here, who exactly is teaching?" I asked and both my parents sent me a stern don't mess with me look.

"Alright this is how this will work, you three can have the rest of the afternoon off while we get back to class. No doing anything stupid while we are gone." Dad pointed fiercely between the three of us and I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time that day.

"Just go already." I flicked my fingers at them and was incredibly thankful when they were all gone.

Unfortunately a dreaded awkward silence filled the air. I wanted to ask Zeke what was this panic situation involving me but then I happened to glance at Caz. He was watching Zeke with an intense dislike smothering his features. I sighed knowing my life was getting more strange and difficult every day, especially with these two in my life.

"Are you okay Winnie?" Caz asked as he reached for my hand. I quickly snatched it back when I recalled how he had abandoned me when Quill had appeared.

"Are you my friend or not Caz?" I asked staring him down.

"I'm your friend." He said and I detected a tremor in his voice.

"I don't think you are. You left me alone with Quill of all people. You completely abandoned me." My voice went thick as tears pricked the edge of my vision.

"But I....I didn't mean to." He held his hands out to me.

"Maybe if it was the first time I could forgive it Caz but it isn't." Dammit a sniffle escaped me and it was hard to hold back the tears that threatened at how he always treated me.

"In Caz's defence...." Zeke started to say before I speared him with a glare.

"What? Tell me how what he did can be defended!" I pointed angrily between the pair of them.

"This is important for you to remember Winter, especially in the next couple of days." Zeke said seriously as his hand settled on my shoulder. "Caz spends a lot of time being controlled by Quill's power and he doesn't realise."

"No way!" Caz gasped while Zeke simply nodded.

"You do. It's not as much control as she would like though. Quill has been trying to make you her boyfriend ever since the first day you arrived here. You should be thankful you met Winter first, she at least affords you some protection.

Zeke's words had my mouth popping open. Maybe, just maybe Caz's cowardice was more than just stemming from him. I wouldn't put anything past Quill. I knew she had always wanted Caz and why not? His powers would make a huge statement beyond hers.

I looked at Caz through different eyes then. If he had been manipulated by Quill's mind bending powers all these years while still spending time with me, then it meant Zeke was right and she didn't control all of him.

He truly was my friend. He was the guy that kissed me and made me feel special every day. Everything settled calmly into my mind then as I remembered every time Caz had ignored me or pretended I didn't exist. It had never been his fault, it had always been hers.

I would be the one to save him this time. I would have to be the one that took him away from Quill's crazy possession. For once he would have to depend on me and my strength of mind against that girl.

Well what did you think of that one??

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