Chapter 2 Classes, Glasses, and Asses (Year 4)

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A/N Sorry for the time jump I just really don't have the time as of now to go through every year at Hogwarts.

Andy P.O.V

It was finally my fourth year and I was ready to take on the world. It felt strange that I had been living here in this world for so long. I helped Harry throughout the years, kept my identity a secret, gotten practically every teacher and student to love me, and even continued messing with Draco.

Some how by some miracle I had managed to keep the timeline in check. I never really had a father around but Dumbledore seemed to step up as such even if it wasn't real.

My first year mainly consisted of getting to know everyone and focusing on my classes. I did however still manage to make time to help Harry and the golden trio get the resurrection stone.

In my second year I tried to avoid helping out too much but had to step up when Harry and Ron still hadn't figured out Hermione's clue as to what was attacking students.

Year three was a completely different story. Instead of working with the trio I worked more with Sirius and Lupin. It took a long time of studying and doing everything required but luckily before everything went to hell I was able to not only conjure a patronus but was also able to complete the process to become an Animagi. I spent my time being unregistered and keeping Serious and Lupin company. Although Dumbledore knew he didn't tell anyone because he thought I was safer that way. I still remember the moment I told him.

"You said your patronus and animagous are the same?" He smiled at me with what seemed like an extra twinkle.

"Yes sir. Lupin says that I have a rare transformation and patronus and that I should speak to you about it." He brightly beamed at me and said, "Expecto Patronum."

Out of the elder wand came the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. What was the most shocking was it was the same as mine. Before I could talk the old man opened his mouth.

"They say those with a phoenix are not only rare but have a strong mind. Those with a phoenix are wise, loving, and know more than they appear. I assume when you tell me you kept our uninvited guests company you were referring to keeping them company by the sky. Normally an animagous transforms into what the wizard or witch possesses as a patronus. They are also normally what humans consider to be normal animals. I'm sure by now you realize that you hold no control on the matter of what you turn into. It relies on your true self and your heart."

It was hard not letting any of my friends on the secret but it didn't last for long. Lupin got the upper hand on Sirius faster than he should have and was about to grab Hermione before I transformed. By distracting him I managed to keep the timeline in place. Luckily I managed to convince Severus and everyone not to mention anything about what I was.

Juno had gotten bigger but was luckily still small enough to wonder the castle with me. She was bigger than a Great Dane but no one complained. If anything she was a bigger star than the boy who lived. Everyone at Hogwarts loved her, even the teachers. I had already sent her off to Hogwarts to be with Hagrid before school started. I knew he missed Buckbeak so having another large bird creature around was everything and more to him.

Luck had been on my side for the past 3 years but I knew that luck was about to run out.

"Where's my favorite Slytherin?!"

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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