Chapter 1 - Arrival 🌻

Start from the beginning

It's kinda weird for a scissor though. It looks more like a weapon.


It's time for me to go. I walk out the door, looking at the bright smiling Oji-san. "Goodbye Oji-san! See you in a few
months!" I tell him. He waves at me, "Bye Umi!" That's his nickname for me. I walk out the gates. Now, I'm just going to have survive alone.


I remembered before I left home, Oji-san gave me a map that will lead my to a portal that will lead me to the school.

I look at the map. It looks confusing. I walk left. Then, right. I walk and walk until I found a wall. I look at map again for a moment.

I heard footsteps. I look behind me. There was a boy about my age reading a map. A map that looked identical to mine.

He realizes that I'm in front of him. "Are you lost?"

"Yeah, but what to you mean by 'lost'?" Exaggerating the last word 'lost'.

"Em, I'm going to this school my parents forced me to go to. I freaking hate going to school. It's called Soshi Academy or whatever." He tells me.

"Oh, me too." I reply.

"If you are, what's your ability? Mine's fire."

"I control water. Nice to meet you flame-breather."

"Don't call me that b*****d!"

"Off with those stupid words flame-breather."


"My name is Tsuki Kazen."


"That's harsh for our first meeting."


"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" A man with a black cap asked.

"No sir." I tell him with politely.

"You people are new Soshi Academy students I assume?" He asked. We nodded.

"Come with me, to this portal."

We follow him. This was the only possible way anyway. Follow a kind stranger.

We walk through a bright thingy. I'm thinking this is a portal or something. It's huge. Me and the flame-breather and the strange man walk through the portal and find myself in some weird place. Not like earth. There's a bunch of unfamiliar words that look like spells on the sky.

I also see shadows of planets and stars. This is weird. I know this isn't earth. The grass was even the color magenta!

The breeze blows my hair. Wait what? Is this the school? Soshi Academy? It looks so MAGICAL!!

"Hey," I hear a voice. I look back, I forgot that flame-breather was here. "What?"

"You're not paying attention to the guy."

"Whatever." I reply. He seems annoyed. The guy told us, "The boy's dorm is there.." he pointed east, "...and the girl's dorm is there." Then, he pointed to the north. Me and fla- I mean Kazei-san seperated. I go into my dorm and went inside my room.

I opened the door to find.......

.....I have a roomate?! Why of all the school dorms, do I need a roomate, a R-O-O-M-A-T-E?!

"Hello, nice to meet you. You must be the new student, Tsumi Kazem. My name is Shiro Hiroi. Don't worry, I'm a quiet person so you can get you're alone time like I get mine. By the way, call me Shiro and my element's Earth." She tells me. Then, she goes back to staring at the window.

"Ok." I reply.


I unpack my things starting from my GLOURIOUS SCISSOR COLLECTION!!!!!!! My eyes sparkled. Then, I see Shiro stare at me confused.

"I'm sorry......I'm just obsessed with scissors......" She looks at me trying not to smile. Suddenly, she bursts out laughing. "Me too!! I'm obsessed with dull rocks!" She tells me.

"Really?! That's awesome!" I'm glad to have someone that's like me. I give my charismatic smile which I don't use often.

She smiles back beautifully.

This is going to be a great day...

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