St.Patricks Day 1961 Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Oh Jackie. I think god has finally spared us" replied Jack.

"Wh..What do you mean?" she asked.

Just right then, the door opened. "Come with me guys" said Dr.Jackson. Jack and Jackie led the line of Kennedys down the hall. They came to a recovery room. The doctor opened the door. Hank Williams was playing on the radio. In the hospital bed was a very frail and pail Lillian. She had heart monitors and IV fluids hooked up to her. Oxygen tubes up her nose.

"She's alive. But..but we saw her die" said Jackie.

"I kissed her on the head and said I love you. She let in a huge breath and came to" said Jack.

"Hi..y..y'all" said Lillian.

"She..She's alive!" said Jackie.

"Yes she is" said Ethel.

"Are..are those for me?" said Lillian looking at Bobby.

"Oh..Yea. I got you some Lilly's and a Teddy bear" said Bobby as he handed her the Teddy Bear.

"Tha..thanks..Un..Uncle Bobby" said Lillian.

"Your welcome kid" said Bobby.

"I would hug you, but I can't lift my arms" said Lillian

"It's alright kid. I got this" said Bobby as he kissed her head.

"I saw my parents" said Lillian. "My daddy gave me a big hug and my Momma gave me a big kiss. They told me I belong down here on earth. And my daddy apologized. They are really glad y'all adopted me. They said I need to stay because I have a purpose on earth" said Lillian starting to cry.

"We are happy that we could adopt you" said Jackie.

"And we are also glad that your here with us" said Jack.

Lillian smiled as she started to fall asleep. All of the Kennedys had left besides Bobby and Ethel. They heard a knock on the door.

"The tumor was caused by a clogged artery. We weren't able to save the leg but we were able to stitch it up and close of the remains of the vain" said Dr.Jackson. "She lost a lot of fluid. We are about to fit her for a prosthetic leg. We are also letting her have a wheel chair and her crutches as needed" said Dr.Jackson.

"" said Jack.

"She was very lucky to survive this. She's going to be weak for the next week or so but she will be fine if she gets plenty of rest. The next time she wakes up you can take her back" said Dr.Jackson. "Keep the IV fluids running for another 3 days."

"Ok. Thank you doctor" said Jackie.

"I'll be right back with the prosthetic" said Dr.Jackson.

"Alright" said Jack.

"I can't imagine how hard this may be on you" said Bobby.

"It's terrible" said Jack.

"Are you sure she's not your kid? She looks just like you!" said Bobby.

"That's what everyone keeps saying. I adopted her because she reminded me of myself. She didn't seem stuck up, self absorbed or annoying" said Jack.

"She's just like you. Quiet, resourceful and strong" said Bobby.

"Thanks" said Jack.

"Alright. Here is the prosthetic" said Dr.Jackson.

"It's really cool" said Lillian.

"Look who's up!" said Jackie.

Dr.Jackson took every medical device off of Lillian.

"Can you bend your leg for me?" asked Dr.Jackson as he finished putting on the prosthetic leg.

As Lillian moved her leg, it was a weird feeling that she would have to get used to.

"I..i need to lay back. I'm..I'm starting to feel weak again" said Lillian.

Dr.Jackson then helped her lay back and hooked up the oxygen tube to her.

"Thank you. That feels much better" said Lillian.

"We will have a nurse coming back and fourth for the IV and physical therapy" said Dr.Jackson.

"When can I leave?" asked Lillian.

"Now" replied Jack as he wheeled the wheel chair in the room.

Dr.Jackson and Bobby lifted Lillian into the chair.

"Secret Service has formed a pathway outside" said Bobby.

"Alright let's start wheeling" said Jack.

As soon as they opened the doors, camera flashed everywhere. Lillian had to close her eyes because it was to much.

"Mr.Kennedy, Mr.Kennedy!" shouted the reporters.

"How do y'all get through that?" asked Lillian.

"With a lot of patience" replied Jackie.

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