St.Patricks Day 1961 Part 2

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"Is she gonna be alright?" Jack asked.

"Mr.Kennedy, she has a massive tumor in her leg. There is no telling whether she will make it out alive" replied the nurse.

Once they arrived at the hospital, cameras flashing everywhere. Secret Service made a path for them to wheel Lillian through.

"Her heart rate is low! Get the oxygen flowing! Where are the IV's?" shouted the doctor.

Jack and Jackie, along with secret service, were in the waiting room.

"If we lose her, it's like we are losing Arabella all over again" said Jackie.

"She's not going to die. She's a fighter" said Jack, starting to cry.

"She's not my own child by blood but she is exactly how I pictured our first child to turn out. Strong, A fighter and quiet at most times. Maybe god gave us our girl back and he's trying to take her again" said Jack, through tears.

"Your right. But it's gonna be ok. She's a fighter and Kennedys don't quit" said Jackie, as she started to rub Jacks back.

15 minutes later, Bobby and Ethel run through the door along with Rose and Joe.

"How is she?" asked Bobby.

"She has a tumor in her leg. We don't know if she's gonna survive or not" said Jack, as he got up.

"Oh man. I'm so sorry" said Bobby as they hugged. Once they finished, Jack walked over to Rose.

"Hi Ma. I'm assuming you heard what I told Bobby" said Jack.

"Yes I did. Jack I'm sorry. But it's gonna be alright. Just have faith. She may not be a Kennedy by blood but she damn sure looks like one. And Kennedys fight, no matter how much it takes" said Rose as she hugged Jack.

"I'm trying to Ma" said Jack.

Soon, the whole entire Kennedy family was gathered in the waiting room. Jackie was asleep on Jack.

Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into hours.

"Mr.Kennedy?" asked the doctor.

"Ye..Yes?" Jack replied, opening his eyes.

"We had to remove her leg. It would've been paralyzed if we didn't. Despite that, by now she should have regained consciousness. I'm sorry Mr.Kennedy but we lost her. Please come with me if you would like to say your goodbyes" said the doctor.

Jacks heart sunk at that moment. He held back the tears. Once they got to the room, Jack made his goodbye.

"Goodbye Lilly. I will miss you. I hope you have a fun time in Heaven" said Jack. At this point, Jackie had started crying heavily. The nurse pulled off the oxygen mask. Her heart rate went down every second.

"Jack I can't watch" said Jackie as she put her face into Jacks chest. *beep* *beep* *beep* *beeeeep* Jack couldn't help it anymore. He let the tears flow. He walked over to Lillian's hospital bed and kissed her on the head. "I love you." Just then Lillian let out a huge gasp. "" she replied.

"Your alive!" said Jack.

"" said Lillian."Need.. more.. air"

The nurse put one of the nose oxygen masks on Lillian and they moved her into a regular room.

When Jack got back to the waiting room, everyone was crying. He sat down next to Jackie and rubbed her back.

"You know, I kept thinking about what you said earlier. I didn't want to adopt a child. But it made you so happy when you saw her. Jack, it was the happiest I've seen you in a while. She's our girl Jack. And we lost her again" Jackie said through tears.

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