piece of cake

188 7 16

august 28th, 11:43 pm.
studio 54, 1978

Twenty. I'm finally turning twenty. And to celebrate this momentous occasion, I'm having a party. I more consider it a birthday bash. Anybody who is anybody is here, but there is only one person keeping my eyes captivated.


Her shimmery, off the shoulder bodycon dress sparkles and shines in the dim party light, making her the center of attention.

I wonder what she got me...

I keep my eyes fixated on her and her oh so wonderful body, mixing and mingling with my siblings and other guests.

Breaking my intense gaze on her, I saunter my way over to the bar to refil my empty glass. I was in desperate need of a distraction. That's one of my closest friends, and I'm oggling her as if shes just a piece of meat. I sigh and rub my temples.

"Can I get another Long Island iced tea please?" I ask the bartender, speaking louder than I usually would, hoping he heard me over the loud party music.

"Anything for the birthday boy," he winks, haulting his duties of wiping the counter to take and refill my empty cup.

"Thank you," I flick my eyes down and check the bartender's name tag. "Anthony," I finish.

Tired of standing, I take a seat on a stool in front of the bar counter, turning to face the crowd.

In a sea of hundreds of people, my eyes find themselves back on Casey. Again. There's just something so... enticing about her...

I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I turn around, seeing Anthony with my drink in hand.

"Thanks." I say, taking the now full glass from Anthony's hand. I turn around to face the crowd again when I see Casey walking towards me. I swallow the lump in my throat.

I avoid contact with Casey's beautiful brown eyes by taking a sip of my chilled drink and looking down in my cup.

"Happy birthday," a soft, yet sultry voice says. Casey. I'm surprised I'm able to hear it considering the loud music flowing through the speakers, causing the club to shake.

"Thank you," I offer, putting my drink down and finally making eye contact.

"I have a gift for you," Casey says, eyes low, voice as velvety as ever.

"And what exactly would my gift be?" I ask, smirking.

"Come with me and you'll see," Casey winks, grabbing my hand and pulling me off of the stool I was sitting on.

Casey pulled me through a sea of people whose faces only looked like a blur to me, thanks to my low alcohol tolerance.

Making it past the dance floor, I stumbled up a staircase leading to bedrooms and assigned washrooms.

Casey walked along the stretched hallway, me following close behind, and pushed open the second to last door.

I was lead to a dimly lit room.

Centre, a king sized bed lay with a clock above the headboard.


"Lay down on the bed and close your eyes."

For the remainder of the time the two of us spent in the room, I did nothing but obey.



What a way to bring in the big two-oh.

As I redressed, images of Casey's pleasure contorted face and the sounds of her moans drowned out by music come back to me. I bite my lip, anxious to get back downstairs as soon as possible.

"Thank you for my... gift," I say, searching for my tie.

Casey looked over at me while slipping back on her shimmery number. She smiles at me, ignoring my comment.

Once finished dressing, she walks over to me and kisses my cheek.

"Anything for you, baby," she whispers in my ear and walks out the room. She leaves me with my thoughts.

All I do I smile, and walk out the room as well, forgetting about my tie to go attend to my guests downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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