Daddy's Little Girl.

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Holding onto the silver handlebars of her little pink bike, Liam looks into his sweet little girl's, angelic face. He gave her a warm, reassuring smile as he securely clipped her flowery bike helmet into place. Her warm brown eyes stared back at him, and she flashed him her signature shy smile. It was that grin that went directly to his heart, making it impossible not to love her. She'd had him wrapped around her tiny finger since day one, and whenever he looked at her, all he wanted to do was hand her the world on a silver platter. "Don't worry baby girl, Daddy's got you. I wont let you fall," he hummed, leaning down to place a sweet kiss to her rosy cheek. Nodding her head, she grips the handlebars tight in her small fists, as Liam shifts his hands to the back of the bike, taking a hold of the bike seat. Running along side her, he easily supports the weight of her and the shiny bicycle as she pumps her feet furiously on the plastic pedals. Her short brown hair is poking out beneath the helmet and it blows around her face. He watches the smile spread across her face, as he releases her, letting her take full control. She glances back at the place where Liam stands watching, and she squeals, "Daddy, I'm doing it. I'm riding all by myself." He relishes in this moment of pride, as his little girl laughs with joy at her achievement. "That's right baby girl," he breathes, overcome with love for his little girl.

You walked up the stairs, the sound of laughter trailing from your daughter's second floor bedroom. Pushing open the door, you smiled at the sight of your husband, Harry, jumping up and down on your daughter's twin bed. Harry's long fingers were wrapped around your little girls much smaller hands. The two of them wore matching dimpled smiles, their loose brown curls flying around their faces as they bounced around on the mattress. You couldn't help the smile that covered your lips, as you watched their laughter spill from their mouths, filling the quaint bedroom with the happiest sound you'd ever heard. Harry caught his little girl in his long, tattoo-covered arms, holding her protectively to his chest as he flopped down onto his back. "Hey, you monkeys. Time for bed," Harry's emerald eyes were filled with laughter, as he looked up at you. "Your little girl snuggled deeper into her Daddy's arms. "Awww... Mommy. Five more minutes," she begged, giving you her wide-eyed smile. "Yeah, Mommy. Five more minutes," Harry chuckled, throwing you a wink. "How about if Daddy reads you a story?" you offered, knowing she'd cave instantly. Within seconds, she was shimmying her petite body under the purple polka-dot comforter, her favorite book clutched in her tiny grasp. Harry's smile grew ten times wider, as he drew his little girl into his embrace once more, lulling her into a dreamland with his soothing voice.

The summer sun was hot, beating down on the backyard as Louis watched his little girl tear across the yard, kicking up grass in her wake. Her long brown hair was the color of honey, sticking to her back in dripping wet sections. Her round face was lit up with merriment as she raced through the sprinkler he'd set up in the center of the lawn for her. Her light blue bathing suit brought out the color in her sea blue eyes, as they shone brightly with her boisterous excitement. "C'mon Daddy," she squealed, waving her arms around as the water splashed her sun-kissed skin. "Come play too," she cooed, flashing Louis her winning smile, a few teeth missing from place. He laughed whole-heartedly, pulling his t-shirt from his back, to join her in the cool water. "Yay!" she cheered, jumping up and down on the balls of her feet. He chased her through the raining sprinkler, laughing right along with her. As he scooped her into his muscular arms, she giggled animatedly as his fingers tickled her toddler tummy. He pressed his lips to her wet forehead, kissing her with all the love he held in his heart. She reached a diminutive hand to his scruffy face, and whispered, "I love you, Daddy." She pressed her baby pink lips to his cheek, leaving a smacking wet kiss, just as he had done to her. There was a lump forming in his throat, as he committed this perfect moment to memory. "Daddy loves you too, baby girl. Daddy loves you too," he murmured, hugging her tight.

You walked into the house, grocery bags in hand, and you were instantly greeted by the melodic sound of music mixed with sweet laughter. Walking through the kitchen, you placed the bulging bags on the counter, moving to investigate where the happy sounds stemmed from. Stopping in the doorway, you saw the most precious sight. Zayn stood in the middle of the living room floor, each of your daughter's dainty feet balancing on top of his own. As the theme song to Enchanted filled the spacious room, Zayn twirled the two of them gracefully around the carpeted dance floor. He wore a genuine smile upon his face, as his little girl peered up at him through her long eyelashes. The little girl wore a sparkly princess crown atop her head of jet-black hair, her big, chocolate brown eyes the same enticing shade as her Daddy's. You listened as her carefree laughter rang out with each turn Zayn made across the floor. Lifting her effortlessly off her feet, she squealed in delight as he cradled her petite body tenderly in his strong arms. He left a smattering of kisses all over her porcelain cheeks, his own heart bursting with a love like nothing he'd ever known. "More dance, Daddy. More dance," she cooed, clapping her little hands together with glee. Zayn chuckled, setting her to her feet, he took one of her hands in his, spinning her under his arm. "Anything for Daddy's little girl," he hummed, eyes meeting your tear brimming gaze across the room.

He tiptoed quietly down the hallway, reaching the furthest door, he pushed it open a large crack. The room was dark, a warm glow of light coming from the color changing night-light plugged into the far wall of the charming bedroom. His eyes fell to the sight of his baby girl, sleeping soundly in her tiny pink bed. He'd already poked his head in on her twice since tucking her into bed tonight, but he adored watching her sleep. It was the most soothing feeling to watch the steady rise and fall of her small chest as she took each breath. He knew some people would call him an overprotective father, but in his eyes it only felt like love. Resting his body against the doorframe, he thought of all the wonderful memories he'd already made with his beautiful daughter. He recalled the time he took her to see her first football game, buying her a custom jersey. The name Horan was scrawled across the soft pink fabric, resting against her petite back. The shirt had looked as though it were swallowing her, but after she had seen it she had refused to take it off again. He smiled to him self, as his mind wandered to her last birthday, and the massive grin she wore on her angelic face as she blew out the candles on her birthday cake. He felt like the luckiest man in the world, knowing he still had a lifetime of memories left to make with his little princess. Before closing the door, he whispers into the dark, "I love you, baby girl." Taking a step out of the room he hears the meek sound of her voice call back to him, as she says, "Daddy, i love you more."

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