"Who are you?"

I jumped and looked above my head to see eyeless Jack. "Um hi, I'm Anastasia" I smile getting up and holding out my hand for him to shake.

"Jack" he replied bluntly before grabbing my hand and shaking once. "Your the new girl?" I nodded. "Why are you laying on the grass didn't you build a house yet?"

"Yeah. Jeff pushed the ladder I fell on to the ground so I got really hurt so Masky and Laughing Jack built it but yeah I have one." I say showing my hands that were now a light black and blue. "My back and face is probably the same" I laughed a bit.

"Let me take a look come to mine." He then started turning away and walking to a ladder three away from mine. "Need help getting up?"

I quickly shook my head no. "I can do it" I followed him up the ladder much slower than him but when I got near the top he grabbed the back of my hoodie and pulled me up. "Thanks." I mumble following him inside.

"What do you eat?" He asked going to a fridge.

"Just normal food"

"Have you ate lately?" I shook my head. "Tried kidneys before?" I shook my head. "You'll have to try some you might like it and I'll finally have a buddy to eat them with."

"Don't you eat them all?" I asked. Why was he going to share his kidneys if he worked hard getting them.

"I only eat like three a day and I don't think they taste as nice the next day they have to be fresh you know? So I normally have to give the ones I don't eat away for to use as decoration. Dr smily likes to have them hanging from his ladders and they stink after a few days in the sun. Nasty stuff so you'll have some?" I nodded my head.

"I'd love to try some." I smiled.

"For your first time I'll cook it for you. Raw is an acquired taste." He chuckled. "So I'm clearly awake cos I don't sleep why are you awake are you hurting that bad?" He asked coming and sitting down on the settee patting the space next to him.

"I can't sleep. I have insomnia." I say sitting down.

"I see. Turn around" he said. I turned around and faced my back to him. "Now take the hoodie off and let me see your back" I did as he said and shivered when his cold hands touched my back. "This looks like it seriously hurts. How far up the ladder were you?"

"About half way. He took the nails out when I was climbing then made sure I noticed before he kicked the ladder away from the house. I landed on my back but luckily I had time to coved the back of my head with my hands to save it a bit but that meant nothing stopped the ladders from landing on me and hitting me on the side of my forehead." I explained what happened and he stayed silent. "Jack are you ok?" I asked turning a bit but not to much otherwise he would have seen the front of my bra.

"On a scale of one to ten how bad is it when I press here?"

"Ow 7" I say gritting my teeth. He does this for a few different areas getting the answers from me then he says I can put my hoodie back on and he goes to a cupboard and pulls out some pills. "What are those?"

"Pain killers. Should be strong enough to stop the pain you feel. Only take one a day, they are very strong. It's what makes me able to train and fight even if I'v broke my arm the day before." He said tipping one out on his hand and handing it to me before going to check on the kidneys and get a glass of water for each of us. He brought over the water then the kidneys. "Don't take the tablets on an empty stomach."

I smiled at his kindness. "Thank you" I picked up the kidney and took a bite before closing my eyes and chewing, focusing on the taste. "Mmm it's nice" I smile opening my eyes and looking at Jack.

"Glad you like it." He watched me eat another bite before taking off his mask and placing it on the table then he started to eat his own. I watched as his sharp pointy teeth pierced the kidney over and over again. "Is me eating entertaining?" He chuckled a bit. I looked at his eyes only to remember he's got none. Just empty black holes oozing black liquid.

"You saw? I mean you just make eating raw meat look so easy. Your teeth cut through it like a sharp knife." I quickly explained hoping I didn't offend him.

"Thanks I think?" He laughed.

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