“Maybe I will pay you a visit sometime and pay you back for the coffee.” Maybe meaning I may go to the gap and see him there but free coffee is free coffee.

“Nah forget about it, it’s fine” he smiled again.

At that moment we were handed our coffee I was looking for a way to escape this Jeremiah as I didn’t know him and he seemed like he wanted to talk. I was not in a talking mood.

I heard a little ping from my pocket as I took out my phone. Hopefully this would give me the excuse to get away from this guy.

It was from Kurt, I found it surprising that he had texted me especially since it wasn’t that long ago that he was at my house being judged by my mother.

‘Hey Blaine earlier today I said I was the kind of guy to take things slow and I guess I didn’t really show that, honestly I am I don’t know what happened today. So I was kinda hoping that before we get into anything too serious too soon we could be friends first. Just so we can actually get to know each other first! I’m really looking forward to seeing you on Monday. Love Kurt x’

I re-read the text. I was stunned. I guess I agreed with him, I don’t know what happened today either. I guess I was consumed with lust for him but seeing him saying that he didn’t like me in that way so plainly it kind of hurt. I felt rejected.

I looked back at Jeremiah’s still smiling face and walked back towards him.

“So do I have a coffee buddy for the day?” He asked me.

“Sure why not.” I needed someone happy to talk to, to get rid of this feeling of hurt.

We found a table with two chairs and sat down together. We started to talk, well he started to tell me about his normal life whilst I listened. After a lecture about how he wanted to own his own gap store one day he finally asked:

“So why are you so sad Blaine?”

How could I just tell him about Kurt? I don’t want to inform random strangers about my life.

“Relationship troubles…” I said plainly. Hopefully he would realise what that meant and wouldn’t ask.

“Ouch what’s she done?” that made me giggle a bit.

“well my…” what was Kurt to me? A friend? “My friend and I got a bit too carried away whilst hanging out and he and I almost kissed.”

“what so is one or both of you not gay or?...” Thank god he didn’t suddenly just start judging me.

“No we are both gay but we haven’t known each other for that long and he just texted me saying he just wants to be friends and I kinda feel like I want to be more” I realised I was pouring out my emotions to this random guy but did I really mean that? Do I want to be more than friends with Kurt?

“Rejection hurts dude, I’m sorry.” He reached across the table and patted me on the shoulder. “I’ve been in worse scenarios this one time I asked a guy out and just straight up beat the hell out of me. He was straight as a ruler” So he was gay too, that explained a lot.

I laughed at bit. “What made you think he would turn gay for you?” I asked. It was a bit mean but I am entitled to be when I’m in a bad mood.

“I dunno I had a crush on him for like two years and I had been telling myself, go on Jeremiah just do it, the worst thing he can do is say no! Boy was I wrong. But you probably know what I mean!” He seemed to understand which was nice.

“If you mean by getting beat up because I’m gay, yes I do! But to be honest unfortunately I’ve never met another gay guy who hasn’t been taunted because of his sexuality.”

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