It was fricken cold in here and that wasn't helping my situation.

"mKay, gimme a sec." He hummed pulling out his phone.

I stood awkwardly as he began texting away.

Not saying a word i watched him.

He then watch up at the types of pads furrowed his eyebrows then snapped a pic of the brands.

"Uh,w-what are you doing?" I asked locking my legs together.

"I told my mom what happened, and I'm asking her the best brand to purchase." He said not looking at me but texting away.

Oh god! now his mother knew.

I miserably watched as he continued texting then picked up a large pack and placed it in the basket.

He grabbed my hand hand began pulling me, he bought a heating pad and some advil.

"These are to help with the pain and cramps." He said when he placed them into the basket.  " You shouldn't really drink any cold thing, tea works best-shit you shouldn't even be in here it's cold." He said before putting the basket on the floor, took off his jacket and handed it to me. "Here let this warm you up." He said.

When i did he picked up the basket and pulled us along.

"Allison has vomiting but mom said not every girl vomits, so I don't really know what to do about that, we'll go buy some things to make tea though." He said swinging our hands as we walked.

Two old ladies were walking behind us and I could hear them whispering things to each other before they called to our attention.

"Excuse us,But you too are so cute. It's so lovely to see young men looking out for their girlfriends and buying supplies for their time of months. it's lovely and it should be recognized and applauded."  A tall one with spectacles said.

I stared wide eyed at ross as he smiled at them.

"Yes, You know, men don't get it, but when a lady is going through this, she needs the love and support from her partner." The other said as she stared into ross' basket.

 "You're a sweetheart for doing that, and honey," she said turning to me "Take care of him, he's a keeper." 

I just stared dumbly before another wave of cramps came, I squeezed ross's hand which i still held.

He turned to me and he already knew what was happened.

He turned back to the old ladies.

"Thank you." He smiled warmly.

They nodded and trotted away.

When they left he turned to me "You alright now?" 

"Not for long." I said.

"Let's go get you some snack for those cravings and we'll leave." He said.

I smiled gratefully at him and allowed him to pull me.

Courtney was one lucky girl.

When we did reach the snack section, ross pulled snacks like he was crazy.
"You defiantly have to get chocolate, you'd kill for it." He said, and I did find myself craving chocolate.

He took one opened it took a bite and handed me the rest.

I smiled gratefully and raised my hand so the sleeve of ross' huge jacket could fall back since it was big for me and i took it and began eating.

When we reached the cashier Ross' loosed my hand so he could pull out his wallet.

When the cashier and young girl saw us and the supplies she smiled and said "Cute."

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