Chapter 2, Danger and Bravery

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As soon as Marshall heard the scream, He realized who it was. He ran like there was no tomorrow to where the sounds were coming from. As he reached, he gasped at at what he saw, Rocky scratched brutally on the face and everest crying next to him, supporting his head and in front of them was- An ENOURMOUS Bear. Marshall wanted to run but he wanted, no needed to protect everest and Rocky. He shouted "Everest get back!! I got this" Everest seemed shocked because she knew how afraid he was of bears but looking at rock's condition, she did as he said and immediately called Ryder through her pup tag. *Beep* "RYDER U NEED TO HELP US, ROCKY IS BADLY INJURED AND MARSHALL IS FIGHTING A BEAR!!!" "OH MY GOD, JAKE AND I R ON OUR WAY AND SO R THE OTHER PUPS" Ryder said. "Thank you" Everest replied
(With Marshall)
Marshall didn't back down at all and all the time when he was fighting, he had one thing on his mind "I have to protect Everest and Rocky" He used his pup-fu skill to dodge the bear's scratches and land some kicks and blows. The bear suddenly bit marshall's leg and he yelped in agonizing pain but he got up, he got smacked right on the face but he didn't give in. The bear scratched and scarred marshall's eye but he didn't let his eyes close for good. Then he did something amazing which made everest gasp, Marshall jumped in the air did a back somersault and kicked the bear in the eye, making the bear Growl and run away. Marshall said "I- I protected everes-" in a low voice and fainted. Just then the pups and Ryder showed up and they went to Marshall to treat his injuries.
(After Marshall woke up)
"Huh? Where am I?" Marshall said. He looked around and realized it was the lookout and he was resting on the couch. Then he felt dizzy and he saw someone coming and saying "Thank you, Marshall"
To me it seems pretty obvious who said that but u know I wrote it. Anyway I'm sorry my chapters r much shorter than most other stories. I will try and make the next chapter longer. Thanks for reading.
xXTenzing2206Xx out

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