Dream like never seen my future

Start from the beginning

This is how to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you
How to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like the look of danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you
At least I think I do

'Cause I lo-lo-lo-love you

Rule number three, wear your heart on your cheek
But never on your sleeve, unless you wanna taste defeat
Rule number four, gotta be looking pure
Kiss him goodbye at the door, and leave him wanting more, more

This is how to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you
How to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like the look of danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you
At least I think I do

'Cause I lo-lo-love you

Girls, we do, whatever it will take
'Cause girls don't want, we don't want our hearts to break in two
So it's better to be fake, can't risk losing
In love again, ba-abe

This is how to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you
How to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like the look of danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you

'Cause I lo-lo-lo-love you
At least I think I do

I walked to locker and sit down
"Oh why harder then I thought? There has to be better way to do this.* sigh* let's see.if I were me as a girl and not me as a boy, what would get me to give me my own phone number? Hmmm?"

At mall
Ein buy a plush and give me
"Huh what this"
"It a gift for you and it's a wolf plush"Ein smiled
I hug him
"This is how you thank me"Ein smiled
"Yes thank you"
"It no problem princess"
Flashback end.
"Oh girl love plushie but I don't have it a plush"I frowned
"Kai~ hehehe"Aphmau giggled
"Uh I'm not stalking him"Aphmau sputtered
"Hm? Kai?!?!"you whisper
"Oh He is too sweet than me"Aphmau smiled
"That's not true you are sweet even Kai too"
"I-I-I"Aphmau mumbled
"See,you need get know kai lot better"
"He know me a lot"Aphmau complained
"Get know him more about Kai"
"You're right thank you dude"
Aphmau walk over to Kai and talk him
"Huh she call me dude...oh yeah I forgot I'm still boy so I need talk Travis and Dante"
I walk over Dante and Travis
"Sooo,any luck?"Dante asked
"Grrrrrrr"I raged
"F/n you should calm down,you really don't have to do this for me"Travis suggested
"It's not that Travis,I wanna show you that you can do this by just being yourself...Also,Dante this isn't fair I need extra day to get a girls number!..I should know them longer before I even want a number!"I said
"Sooo,where did you wanna go on our date again?"Dante smirked
"Ughhhh no way that's happening,I can do this!"
"Wanna try using some advice from my book?"Dante asked
"*laugh* I'm not THAT desperate"
"You REALLY wanna go on that date with me? huh?"Dante smiled
I decided I walk over the girls
"Ahem......hey baby are you-"
I got cut off the girls hits me so hard ouch. I walk back Dante and Travis but they are laughing at me
"*chuckle* you weren't confident enough...I mean look at you going up there with your hunched shoulder"Dante told me
Dante and I arguement

Travis's life
"*sigh* oh no"I said
When I turn around I saw Katelyn but she going somewhere so I follow her where she going to
Time skip
Katelyn stop by music room

F/n's life
I told a lie to Dante yeah.....
"so had a Date on saturday with me!"Dante smirked
"Dante um....I had date with Ein on Saturday I'm tell truth"
"Oh well I find another girl can date with me"Dante frowned
Dante walk off
Back to present
So I walk to bathroom to change my normal uniform when got out bathroom suddenly I got text by Ein
Text message start e-ein y-you so easy
Y-hey what going on
E-oh i saw new student ,did saw new student
Y-no I see didn't the new student
E- Oh well um
Y-hey are you upset
E-What no princess I'm not upset kinda uh um...
Y-are you sure?
E-yeah I'm fine
Y-about that.....
E-what is it?
Y-can meet at gym right now
E-ok princess I will see at gym
Text message end
I quickly grab my backpack head to gym
Time skip
When I arrive at gym
"I'm sorry keep wait.. Ein"I inhale and exhaled
"It's ok,princess"Ein smiled"so what are going tell me?"
"Right....uh how going explain this" I blushed "well I met Dante I got chanllenge by Dante I had dress as a ..........boy!"
"Wha? Wait were you dress boy?!?!?"Ein shouted
I look at Ein.He look shock
"Who had extra unform?"Ein asked
"Travis"I answered
We didn't say anything about 2 minutes we just look at each other
"Alright I should get going"
"Bye princess."Ein wave at me
Time skip because kittyart want you get you home safely before  Slyvanna get worry about you even your sister too
When I got home first thing on my mind get my hw [homework] be done till next day. It took about 9 minutes
Geez I'm going write my dairy. I head  to go my room then I grab my diary.once again I'm feel confident to write my diary.

Dear Diary
At school it was wild!!! The first thing I met Dante but then I got challenge by Dante.I got dress as boy and I had get girl phone number.after this I didn't got girl phone number the girls were hit me so hard ouch! Suddenly me and Dante got arguement then I lie to Dante so yeah about Ein.I got text by Ein so I told Ein to meet at gym. I reveal I was dress as boy that it.

I smile at diary but I felt proud I wrote even longer. I think I'm going sight to bed. I don't want lose my energy. I change into my pj and sight to bed.

Hi guys
It kittyart is Back😄😄😄✨✨✨🎉🎉alright got good idea till next story it Cliffhanger,It going be surprise🎉🎉.I know you are excited see next story so about that you been suport me and I support back you. I make person happy😊😊😊😄😃
So kittyart out~😺

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