"Kellin?" he asks, confused. I push him out of the way and close the door behind me.

"Hey, who's this?" Someone asks angrily. I look around the room. It's a large, empty, circular room with grey walls and flooring. I look around and see the guys that Vic had fought at the party standing across from us.

"Kellin," I introduce myself.

"Hey, we said alone!" the hot one yells.

"He followed me in, you watched it!" Vic argued back.

"Whatever. You in or out?" the hot one asks me.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"I said," he adds. "Are you in or out?"

"He's out," Vic answers for me. He turns to me and says, "Kellin, get out of here."

"I'm in," I tell them, not having a clue what I was getting into, but too curious to not find out.

"No, you're not," Vic says sternly. "Go to bed, Kellin."

"Look, we don't have time for this," the larger Gryffindor says.

"Yeah," the lanky one agrees, all of them aiming their wands at Vic, "Let's do this."

I pull out my wand, but before I even get a good grip, it goes flying across the room.

"Hey!" I exclaim, looking at Vic.

"He's out. Let's go," Vic says. I make a move to get my wand, but as soon as I do Vic mutters, "Incarcifors."

I yelp as a metal cage falls over me. Rage bubbles in my stomach and I turn back to Vic.

"You can't beat them alone!" I desperately yell.

He turns to me, rolling his eyes and quietly says, "I can beat them in five moves."

I'm not gonna lie, his confidence is impressive, but this kid has a death wish. He turns away when I don't answer and flicks his wand, starting the duel.

Blasts go off left right and centre, I can hardly see what's happening there are so many light trails. Vic isn't so good at the blocking part, but has startlingly skilled offensive hits.

"Expelliarmus!" he cries just as the lanky one does too. Vic and the large one's wands go shooting from their hands. The hot one takes the opportunity to stun Vic, little did he know Vic can block it anyway. As he does, the charm backfires and down the hot one goes, knocked out.

The other two look at Vic in absolute horror. They pause for a moment, look at each other and then bolt to the door. Vic watches them go, looking proud.

"Hey!" I call as he picks up his wand. Despite being impressed, I'm still mad that he locked me in here in the first place. "I'm pretty sure that was 8 spells."

He looks at me and smiles amusedly, replying, "It was six, but touché." We're both quiet for a moment, just smiling at each other. "I'm starting to think you're stalking me," he adds.

"Says the person who locks me in a cage and duels with Gryffindors," I reply, annoyed.

I then make the mistake of glancing at my wand and he immediately summons it, stepping a bit closer. I reach through the bars, but Vic holds it just out of my reach. What is he playing at?

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