"Miss ya guys too. Not much has changed.", I glanced around the room, my eyes adjusting through the smoke as I took in the two blondes practically groping each other on top of Dan. Shit, that's hot. I definitely did miss this crew. These guys are like my escape family. Not as close as my guys at the frat, but they surely are up in the same category.

  Garrett laughed, and tossed his head back. "Man. You just get better every time.", he finally got out between laughs.  I smiled and shook my head, taking the bong from him as he passed it to me. I inhaled the air a few times, letting it sting throught my lungs as I let them adjust. I don't know how long it's been since I've last got high, but long enough.

I laughed too and set the thing on the stand as I pulled a girl to my lap. She giggled and immediately tangled her hands through my hair. "Make me forget her.", I whispered to the tall brunette while she grinded against my lap, making me groan in the process. I love how you don't have to even explain the story, you just say it and they do it. These girls are like little puppets. Giving me control.

  "Damn, Horan. Already getting started.", Seth tapped his palm against my shoulder, laughing as he took a swig of his beer then sat down, pulling his own girl onto him.

   I chuckled and turned the girl around so that she was now straddling me with her knees bent beside each leg. She ran her hands down my chest and I couldn't help myself as I placed my hands under her bra, palming her breasts. She leaned in, giving me a firm, yet amazing kiss. She was in control this time as she arched her back and moved her tongue around mine, massaging it roughly. Fuck she's such a turn on. The only thing that would make this better is if she was Khloe. No, Niall. Forget Khloe.

  I took control now as I pushed her to the side, laying her down onto the couch. I hadn't ever realize that Garrett had moved as I continued to kiss the girl, just wanting to rid my thoughts of Khloe. I needed to focus on something else, and for the time being I had a completely hot ass chick below me.

  "Shit.", I mumbled against her lips. I could feel her smirk as she tugged on the roots of my hair and arched her hips, grinding into my front. Damn, she's good.

  I groaned and picked her up, trying to grip her tightly in order to make it to the room, but that didn't seem to work out for me as she and I both landed on the floor with a loud thump. I busted into laughter, suddenly finding everything funny. The way her hair was pushed in different directions across her head. The way her red lip stick was smeared across her lips and down her chin. She laughed too, sitting up. I noticed that her eyelashes were long and sprawled along her eyelids like a tangled spider web. I laughed more, causing my stomach to clench, making it almost bearable to sit up. Fuck, I love this feeling. The feeling of total loss of control.

  "Are you okay?", she asked, smiling as she ran her small hand along my thigh, turning me on even more.

  "Just great.", I smiled and stared into space, not really even remembering what I was doing on the floor. All I knew was that it was comfortable and I was happy and feeling good.

  Khloe's POV*

   I woke up to my phone buzzing loudly against the wooden dresser. I blinked a couple of times as I came to my senses, realizing that I was in my dorm room and not my old bedroom back in Florida.  I sat up as Gemma groaned and rolled around on her bed.

  "Crap.", I whispered to myself, gripping the IPhone and quickly sliding my finger across the screen. Who ever's calling better have a good explanation as to why  they're calling so late at night- or well, early in the morning.

  "Hello?", my raspy and sleepy voice echoed into the receiver as I waited for the person to reply.  I just heard a manly laughter. I squinted my eyes, and rubbed them. "Hello?", I asked again, allowing a yawn to escape my mouth. I pulled the phone away to see Niall's name written across the top. Great. "Niall?"

  "Hey, baby.", he laughed again. "I just wanted to say that I am so very sorry for earlier." What? The way that his voice was so calm and nonchalant gave me shivers down my spine.

  "Um, Niall? Are you okay?", I yawned.

  "Perfect.", he growled. Oh God. I couldn't help but chuckle, no matter how mad I am at him. "You're so pretty, did you know that?", he stated as if it was a general statement given by him. Okay.. something is definitely wrong with him..

  "Niall, why did you call?", I sighed and layed back down, resting my head back against my pillow. It's too freaking early to deal with this.

  "I wanted to say that I like you. A lot.", he chuckled.

  "Niall, are you drunk? High? Like what's going on? This isn't you.", even though I haven't known him long, I  know him enough to know that he won't just ring me up at three in the morning to tell me he likes me a lot. That's not him at all.

  "Khloe... you are just, the sweetest person I know.", he gave another small chuckle.

  "Niall.. where are you?", I sighed and pinched the bringe of my nose. If he's at the frat then that's fine, be if he's not, I'm going to get him and take him back. He just seems off.

  "Steve's. No, fuck, I meant Seth's. I'm at Seth's. I think." he laughed again, only louder this time.

  I sat straight up, my ears listening more intently now. "What do you mean you think? Niall, tell me where you are, I'm coming to get you." Gem won't mind if I borrow her car.. It's three am anyways, what's she going to need it for?

  "Nah babe, I'm chill here.", his voice was calm yet alarming. Shit, Niall.

  "Niall Horan, where the fuck are you." My voice was a whisper, yet sent daggers through the line.

  "I told you. Seth's."

  "Seth who?"

  "Seth.. Uh.. Seth Pitconny." Seth Pitconny? The guy from my class? He's friends with him? Since when? They are two completely different people!

  "Okay. Niall, I'll be right there.", I sighed into the receiver and hung up. I cannot believe that I have to get out of bed and go pick his lame ass up. He really knows how to freaking piss me off to the max!

    I quickly stood up and just threw on a sweatshirt over my tank top, not caring about exchanging my shorts for sweatpants. It's not that cold out. Grabbing Gemma's keys off the counter, I made my way out into the student parking lot to her car. 

  To: Seth P.

  Where do you live. I'm coming to get Niall.

  Seth P.-

  Don't think that's a good idea.. haha

  What? No. Niall's out of his damn mind and I'm not leaving him there.

  To: Seth P.

  Seth just tell me where the fuck you live.

  Seth P.-

  Okkk... chill... downtown in the apartments across the beach.

  I sighed and placed my phone into the cup holder as I backed out of the parking lot.

  Fuck you, Niall, for waking me up and making me came and get you from Seth's damn apartment!

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now