Season 3 Episode 12: Shifty

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Wendy sat at the counter of the register, her brown boots kicked up and resting on the counter as she had her nose into a "avoid eye contact monthly" magazine. She was keeping watch of the gift-shop today. Her attention was full on the paper she was reading until suddenly her eyes glanced up to see two teenagers who wandered into the gift shop.

"Hey, Wendy!" The two Pines Twins said at the same time.

"Sup, my dudes?" She smiled and put down the magazine as she gave her attention to them. "What brings you to my kingdom of knick-knacks?" She said jokingly.

"Well, since you asked, have you seen Grunkle Stan and or Ford? We kinda need to ask them something." Dipper spoke but his twin shook her head.

"Can you just pretend to be them so then we can get their permission?" Mabel gave her all-time famous pleading puppy eyes.

"Well..." The teen scratched her chin. "Depends, I guess." She glanced at the brunette's face with the pleading eyes and sighed. "Whatcha askin' for?"

"So this scary movie came out a couple days ago and we want to see it realllllyyyy bad!" She made sure to emphasize the "really" part of the sentence.

"It's PG-13!! Not like...rated R or we're technically old enough to go see it!" Dipper chimed in.

The red-head paused for a moment and looked at the kids. "You mean..THAT one? Even that one seemed a little spooky to me...are you triple positive you wanna go on a risk like that?"

"Quadruple positive!!" Mabel shouted as she banged her fists on the counter to make her point more...well...outstanding. Literally standing out.

Stanford just so happened to pass the gift shop, but when he saw all 3 teens...discussing...he poked his head in out of curiosity and stepped inside the shop. "I think I heard my name in this discussion." He stated as he pushed his glasses up a little."

Mabel squinted for a minute as if she were thinking then her face returned to normal. "Grunkle Fordddd....were you spying on usss?"

"Not so much as spying...more like overhearing the conversation. And from what I heard, you two want to watch a horror movie, if i'm gathering this information correctly."

The twins nodded in unison and Wendy watched from behind the counter. Ford opened his mouth and the two leaned forward in anticipation as they waited for the answer.

"The answer is no."

"Aw, what?" They replied together.

"Would your parents let you see it?"

"....Nooo..." They said together sadly.

"Then the answer remains the same. No. I'm only doing what's best for you."

"Yeah, but!" Mabel held her index finger up. "We survived Bill and Weirdmageddon!! AND middle school!! What's one horror movie gonna do?"

The man paused in thought and then looked down at his great niece. "Mabel. You'd make one good politician with those persuasive skills of yours."

"Wait, so, is that a yes?" She gave a small grin in hope that it was.

"I suppose so...i'm just glad you didn't go to ask Stanley. He would've said yes in a heartbeat without even thinking." He chuckled to himself.

Wendy put the magazine down and hopped down from the stool she was sitting on; her boots hitting the floor with a thud as she gave a smile and pushed back some hair that landed in her face as she landed.

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