Dakota Duff Accidentally Eavesdrops

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Shoving my quill and parchment into my bag, I glanced at the homework assignment on the chalkboard before bolting to the door.

"Bye, Professor!" I said to Professor Beyers at his desk.

He  glanced up at me with his eyebrows raised and an amused expression. "I wonder at how you're ever on time, Miss Duff."

"You and me both, sir," I said, running backwards for a few paces and righting myself to go up the stairs. Normally Kim would be late along with me, but she had gotten a club to the face during our reenactment of the 1812 Northern Troll Disputes. Marcus had swung and let go of his club at just the right time to give Kim a bloody nose and a trip to the infirmary. I had to laugh before checking on the safety of my friend. It was refreshing; most of our nosebleeds came from a box of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes from Europe.

I knew the bell was about to ring without checking my watch. The corridors were clearing rapidly, and I had just barreled past the map of the Bermuda Triangle which was exactly two minutes away from the potions classroom (at top speed, that is). I didn't like my odds.

I skittered around a corner, thinking of an acceptable explanation, when I heard a "wait a moment!" from the hall behind.

I closed my eyes and slumped my shoulders. I was so close! Preparing my innocent face, I was startled to hear someone else respond.

"Yes, Ardella?" I heard Professor Beyers say.

Wincing, I debated whether or this would be interesting enough to eavesdrop on. Ardella was Amberton's first name, which made her too human for comfort.

"Those two No-Maj boys are back in the facade grounds."

"What are they up to now?" Professor Beyers sounded a bit bored. I understood how he felt. The fake grounds, the land after the green gate that you could access without the Ilvernmorny seal, wouldn't be harmed with a couple of No-Majs tramping around. Still, I suppose it was a security threat of some sort.

"Last reports say they were setting off firecrackers. I believe they were in the southwestern portion of the lands. Do take care of it, would you, Beyers?"

"Yes, ma'am." I heard footsteps head down the corridor, another set coming towards me. I came to my senses and started booking it. 

Faintly, I was aware that something significant had just occurred. Maybe I'm just imagining it, based on what I know now, but I'd like to think that my Thunderbird abilities were kicking in. Of course, I always have been a romantic.

The bell rang approximately fifty seconds before I entered the potions classroom, panting slightly.

"Ah, Miss Duff," Professor Dittman said briskly, "you have decided to join us."

"Sorry, Professor," I gasped, taking my regular seat in the back. I was surprised to find Kim sitting beside me, wearing a nose full of handkerchief and a look of disbelief.

"Where were you?" Kim muttered furiously, her voice plugged and nasally from the tissue.

"Tell you in a minute," I replied quietly, craning my neck to see Professor Dittman.

"Right, class, this week we'll be studying the various methods and uses of Vanishing potions. We'll begin with the basic Evanescing Elixir." Dittman flipped the chalkboard around (the front showed how to make a Singing Solution, which we made in our second year) and revealed the steps to mixing the elixir.

"Now, before you begin," Dittman called loudly as we all moved to get our ingredients, "let's review the properties of Vanishing potions. What category do these potions fall under?"

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