Kimberly Jackson Gambles on her Future

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I flashed a grin at Dakota as I put out her fire, smothering a laugh.

"Sounds like you've gotten a little rusty." I remarked casually, leaning on the bed poster and slowly spinning my wand.

"Kim!" Dakota shouted, coming up quickly to meet me, and I flung my arms around my best friend.

"How've you been?" I asked, dropping my hands and taking a step back to see my best friend. "I do believe you've grown, if that's even possible." I told her with a smile, joking about my own, rather average height. 

She responded my patting my head. "There, there. We can't all be 5'9." Dakota responded, still patting my head before I went in for another hug. I grinned widely.

Someone cleared their throat and I un-hugged Dakota to face them. It was Abby, a girl who shared our dorm room.

"Guys, the sorting will begin soon." She reminded us, clapping her hands to announce herself even though it was unneeded. I nodded, and followed Abby out as she left. Purposely, I started speed walking, cranberry and blue robe layers flapping. Annoyed, Dakota jogged to catch up.

"What I can't fathom is how YOU walk faster than ME, even though my legs are SO much longer." Dakota complained as she lifted her robe up to walk without stumbling. 

I grinned. Tossing my reddish brown hair over my shoulder, I remarked. "Remember, I'm half Nez Pérce. My ancestors could run all day." I could feel her glare as we walked, and inwardly smiled.

"Nez Pérce this and Nez Pérce that. You don't look like you're freaking Nez Pérce, for goodness sakes." Dakota grumbled the whole way to the viewing room above the sorting room.

We were early, courtesy of Abby, who hated to be late. So, we got the best seats. And by that, I mean we got to lean over the railing to watch the newbies get chosen. Dakota and I found a spot above the Horned Serpent, and patiently waited for the time to begin. As we talked, I fingered my wand, still excited to have it. The creamy white of my Aspen wood was well polished and intricately carved. My Thunderbird feather core had just barely begun to like me, and last year I had really started excelling.

"So, how is your grandma?" Dakota questioned me, breaking me out of my reverie and making me notice the horde of students that had started to gather. It would start soon.

"She's doing well." I answered. "My dad's been working a ton so we decided to go to Africa for awhile. That was fun! Hey, do you remember OUR sorting?" I replied, with a small laugh. Dakota groaned.

"I swear you mention that EVERY TIME! So yeah, I do. What about it?" She asked, leaning forward so she could hear me despite the other student chittering around.

"Well, remember..." I trailed off. "Remember how magical it all was?" 

She nodded. "I forget how you were, I mean... are, a muggleborn." She stumbled over the middle, but smiled at me. "But yeah, how could I forget?"

"I remember you walking in front of me, all excited and whatnot. Then the Thunderbird and Horned Serpent both claiming you and you walking over and immediately choosing Thunderbird and when I asked you why, later on, you told me that reading dusty parchments your whole life was boring. And that's when I knew we were going to be best friends." I told Dakota. She rolled her eyes.

"I remember a scared little girl who walked into the room right after me. I remember the Thunderbird start flapping, the Wampus started roaring, and after a moment of hesitation, the Pukwudgie pulled back his arrow. And your eyes got yae-wide and you walked over to Thunderbird and when I asked you why, you shrugged and I was expecting a serious answer, because you looked me in the eye and very seriously told me that you had no clue whatsoever." I laughed, and she continued.

"And when they gave you a wand, it chose you immediately, and you were bathed in lightning and nobody had told you about wands, and you threw your wand across the room because you were so scared." I couldn't help it, I continued giggling. Holding my stomach to keep my organs inside, I laughed. Our headmistress, Professor Amberton glanced over, glaring.

"Girls." She reminded, her voice stern and full of absolute power. I stopped laughing immediately. 

"Sorry." Dakota muttered quietly. Professor Amberton stared at us for a second, then cleared her throat.

"As all of you should know, today is a historic day. Today we welcome our new protegees into our school so that they may follow in our footsteps and learn the way of the mage. Today, our new students will be sorted into their Ilvermorny houses, and given a wand. Historically, this is of absolute, grave importance and so I must ask my students to display the proper respect and courtesy for these new students." Here she seemed to glance at Dakota and us, and I fumed internally. We weren't doing anything wrong!

"As the new generation's role model, I expect the best from my students. Failure to act with respect or outstanding conduct will result in being expelled." Her dark omen floated over everyone like thick choking smoke. I heard a second year start to cry. We all stared at our headmistress quietly before she continued.

"And should I remind you that leaving the castle and courtyard is off-limits. Consorting with No-Mags is strictly forbidden. Work hard in school and do your best, rewards will follow." She gave a curt nod and left the podium, her dark hair immovable in her strict bun.

Dakota breathed out a sigh of relief, but I rolled my eyes.

"Who does she think she is?" I asked Dakota, nostrils flaring. "Why does she get to boss us around?" Dakota shrugged.

"She's the headmistress. Or principal if you'd rather. And you ask me this every year after this exact same speech is repeated every year." I glared at Dakota, but she understood that I wasn't mad at her, and rather the controlling principal. Dakota grabbed my shoulder with a smile. "And this is why you could have been a Wampus." My glare intensified.

Abby leaned over and poked my side, then turned her head to below. Guiltily, Dakota and I peered below. A short brunette with a rather plump exterior and freckles was beaming as she gently stroked the horn of the Horned Serpent. Headmistress Amberton smiled firmly at the girl and lead her away to the wand room, which was also viewable. Some people wandered away to view her wand selection, but most stayed. I leaned casually on the railing as I watched a lanky blond boy become a Horned Serpent.

The next new student was broad-shouldered, especially for his age. He was met with the roaring scream of a Wampus. That's when the betting started.

"How many to a house? 98 total." Arnold Williams asked, notepad ready.

"Horned Serpent 22, Thunderbird 30, Wampus 26, Pukwudgie 20." Dakota replied easily, tossing a few bars of candy on a heaping pile. 

I added some Mint Chocolate Chuckers. "Horned Serpent 69, Thunderbird 10, Wampus 9, Puckwudgie 10." I gambled. Dakota raised an eyebrow at my extremes. Arnold wrote it down and left to get more wagers.

"A bit risky, don't ya think?. Dakota asked me once he had left.

"Probably." I responded, glancing down. Another Horned Serpent. "But face it. Every year we have less students that want to fight, and more that want to stay inside." Dakota glanced down at the next student.

"I think it's just because we've been getting a lot of really smart kids." She said, pointing to a group of kids who looked like they were smarter than me.

"You may be right." I admitted. A thought occurred to me and I glanced at her, excited. "Hey, I forgot to tell you earlier, but.... I found out that secret passageway! We can go see the waterfall!"

 Dakota stared at me. Then, with a quiet squeal, she flung her arms around me.

"That's awesome! You really found out how to do it?" When I nodded, she grinned.

"We can go over there tonight if you'd like." I whispered back to her, as excited as she was. We, as typical thunderbirds, had been wanting to do this for years.

"Oh my goodness gracious, yes!" Dakota grinned at me and I grinned back. There was only one problem. How were we going to get out of the castle?

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