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Dear Life,
                Why is it that people are so determined to start arguments on racism. Seriously I can't go a few days without hearing about  blacks and whites being mean to each other or light colored people are putting down dark skin people. People are so determined to start something that they make TV shows for it. When is the world going to grow up. Yes there are people who are racist, but it is not as bad as people claim. People are so determined to cause problems that some races are scared to date\marry another race. For an example, I have dated black boys before and I was told by my aunt and uncle to keep my mouth shut about it because they thought I would be made fun of. Well I learn that unless you say it to someone that is against it then nobody is going to care. So what has gotten to people? If you think that you may have an answer or just want to give your opinion than say something in the comments. Thank you.

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