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Dear life, 

                Why is it that everyone has to judge people by their religion. Yes I will admit some religions are pretty rough, but still a parent shouldn't tell a kid they can't hang out with someone or even date someone because they don't like the child's religion. I can't spend a lot of time with one friend because of her being a Jehovah Witness, and another friend of mine I almost could not hang out with was because she was an atheist.  It is stupid how people are so judgmental  because of religion. Another example is that people stereotypical about specific religions. Christians are known to be hypocrites and judgmental,  well I am not like that. Jehovah Witnesses are known to be forceful, well I know quiet a few and they are no where close to that.  People Also think to much of little things. To explain what I mean about that is that I have a friend who has a pentagram that I bought her to wear. She is called a Satanist because of this. Well she is not a Satanist, because their pentagrams are upside down and hers is right side up. So as you can see people are being over dramatic about everything. If you want to get rid of this problem then please comment your ideas.

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