I died....

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Flames slithered up my arms, and spread throughout my body. I writhed on the ground, flopping like a dead fish, gasping for air, and silently pleaded for mercy. My skin fell in bite sized chunks. I withered away like twigs engulfed in flames. Fire slowly devoured me.
A hearty chuckle bounced off of the cavernous walls. As his shadow drew nearer I became overwhelmed with dread and inexplicable loathing. Moonlight accentuated his distinct features. His eyes were darker than night itself. They impaled me with the slightest glance.
He sent me into battle intending to obliterate me, beginning by killing my brothers. Although I was overcome with grief and sorrow I couldn't take my own life. I couldn't allow him to feel the victory that only my lifeless body would bring. The bottomless supply of anger coursing through my...what was left of my body, kept me alive. I could no longer feel pain. Anger drove me to continue battling the fire inside me.
He toppled over like a newborn trying to walk. He wheezed and clawed at his throat. His limbs flailed awkwardly until ceasing movement. I felt a sudden surge of energy. I was limbless, practically weightless. I whirled about in white splendor. I was free from my burnt and mangled, prison. It was a long while before I realized I killed him.. I fiddled with his darkening lungs. I became a pneuma..

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