Texting my love

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I stood there blinking with a blank mind. I stood there for a while thinking what Eric is doing. I sat on my bed grabbing my phone.
Kira: hey ^^
It took a while for Len to reply
Len: yeah
Kira: what's up? ^^
Len -blushes hard- I was in the middle of something...
Kira: huh? @-@
Len: n-nothing...just do me a favor..please?
Kira: sure anything for you <3
Len took long to reply again so I decided to make a cup of coffee so I made the hot water waiting and Len replied with ...
Len: c-can you send my a picture of your body >\\<; sorry to ask this
Kira: ...(-///-) how did you get horny?
Len: I-I played with myself a bit
Kira: ....no
I decided to ignore him but I couldn't so I waited for him to text back
Len: pleaseeeee
I have a feeling you only care about my body...
Kira: no is no
Len: fine be a bitch =\_\= I'll be going to a party later so I won't able to text you
Kira: oh....k don't get drunk
Len: =w= I won't
I finally finished my coffee sipping my coffee wondering why was Len playing with himself I shook my head

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