FUCK I'm Pregnant , But I'm Still Having SEX!!!

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My name is Taylor Walk. I'm 16 years old and I lost my dad in a car accident many years ago. I'm really loved at school, and when I mean 'really', I mean that every guy at school wants me....every single one, which can sometimes be hard.

Mia Tutler is my best friend in the world. She loves me, cares for me, and has always been there for me through thick and thin. She's also kinda popular at school, just not as much as me. Her boyfriend Hayden dumped her and since then, she's been crying and crying over him. She said she would never get another boyfriend ever, but i doubt that. Trust me, there are a lot of hot guys at our school, and I think that any of them could make her change her mind. She'll be over Hayden soon.

Michael Zane is my boyfriend. He's not always the nicest, but he is pretty cool. I mean, he brings me roses and what-not.

Sometimes I feel like he's cheating on me with other girls. But when I ask him he just says, "It's nothing babe. Everything's fine. Just chill out. "

Justin Tutler ( Mia's older brother) is really cool and all. He plays the guitar and is very muscular. He treats me like I am the queen of the world even though we aren't dating...well when I mean the world I mean that he never yells at me, and let's me get the last word. But we are just friends...don't get the wrong idea.

Jennifer White is such a bitch who feels like life owes her, and is the most popular girl in school. She tries to take my boyfriend Michael but thank god it never works!


October 21 4:25 a.m

"One week from Halloween YAY!!!! "Mia said

"Why do you still like Halloween?????" I said

"Are you kidding me Taylor? Halloween is the best time of the year and if you don't think that then your just a selfish BIG ASS BITCH who doesn't know what fuck fun is "

"Whoa big girl hold it my mom is down stairs and u know how much she hates us cussing"

"Yea I know sorry"

"No problem OK " I said( she takes her Halloween really sereouse.

Suddenly I got a text.

Michael: luv u babe ♡. Wanna come over? Plz?we need to talk....

"Oh no Mia! Michael said we need to talk! Do you know what that means? He wants to break up with me .....OH NO NO NO


"What about the cussing " Mia said


I hear footsteps coming from outside my door.

"Taylor! Mia! What the hell?!? I thought I told you nooooooooo cussing whatsoever in this house" Mom said with an angry look on her face.

"Sorry Ms.Walk" Mia said.

What happens Taylor ???? I explained what that meant to mom

"Well what if that's not the case "

"Mmmmmmoooooommmmmm, gooooo" I yelled

" OK OK OK but let him explain before you get moody" mom said



Hey guys tell me what u think so far vote comment follow me plz... And email me at sarah.k@email.com

FUCK I'm Pregnant, But I'm Still Having SEX!!!Where stories live. Discover now