part 0.3

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don't get me wrong, of course, there's something I want to do and something I want to achieve.

things I want to do, have or achieve before I die:
A friend to spend my last days with... or even just a week, or a day.
A boyfriend, who loves me to the Heavens and back
Take art classes
Join a club ...? (I wonder if the is any)
uh... oh... a smile?
The complete collection of Friends
A pre-filled walk-in-closet
Long, healthy, thick hair.
A trip to New York City, but of course I'd just need someone to bring at first.
A little brother, who never grows up, who will always be small and cute. even if that matters at first, I'm gone soon anyway,
An unusual, but interesting hobby (if that's even possible)
A mansion with a butler for each room.
A 68" flat screen TV
And finally,
a helicopter, just because

Obviously, most of this is basically impossible and what isn't, probably won't happen. Ever.

Hooray for me! I think...

my last 20 daysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz