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Here we were. I was surrounding Mariama's arm with an old cloth while miss. Aminata was trying to calm her down. Even though she's hurt as hell she still got the strengnth to curse Mrs. Amber.
Everyone admired my sister cause seven though she's very young she was one of the rare slaves to stand up to these kinds of injustices.
Suddenly we heard a knock at the door, when Aminata opened it was Kady standin' there.
" I...I've come to say thank you, if weren't there I would've been..."
" Oh stop it" Mariama said with a smirk on her lips," we're all equal and in the same boat so don't be sorry cause we all would've all done the same"
"...." With that she exited our room with a warm smile. As I looked up at my sister I could see a sastisfied she was a real freedom fighter. She was my light and as long as we were together every thing would be fine...
five years later

As I woke up and started to get dressed I heard the master call us.
" Okay, so today I'm having a dinner so you all better get to work you asses of if you wamna keep em'" he said then walked of leaving us staring at each other.
I hated it when he had guests coming cause sometimes a few would go with some the other slaves I was so scared that some would go with Mariama or with Aminata they were my only family and friends.
I was so conscintrated little did I notice where I was or what I was standing on.
" pffffttt... Hey, Melo' I never new standing in shit was a hobby of yours hahahaha" Ahmed the gardener said as he continued laughing
As I looked down I then understood my mistake" Oh fuck, cow shit!!! why are telling me this now you idiot, and stop the laughing its getting anoying and its soo not funny" I said as I glared at him
" Pffftttt. So...hhaaaahhaaahaaaaa rryy its just you always in th...haaahaaa...ese kinda crazy stuff so I'm asking myself if ain't just dumb hhhaaahahaha" as he finished his sentence I threw one of my shoes at him little did I know he had great reflexes. At that moment Kady was behind planting tulips thats when the shoe hit her right in the head. At that moment I swear I could see a vein grow on her head as she sent KI and curses under her breath. At that moment I mad a sprint for the inside.
As I arrived I could hear the Master and Mrs. Amberwel argueing about something like divorce and a black child. Avoiding to get into it I went to the kitchen to help Mr. Check (the chef), with the dinner. Suddenly I heard a weird Thud but I think I was the only one cause when I asked Mr. Check he only said:
" No worry it must be a furniture that feel" even though he said that I knew somethingwad wrong up there...

That night the dinner was going well but one guest seemed to be missing.

"So, Andreas where's lady Amberwel?". I think his name is Sir Kevinstone Hamburge. With that only question I swear he mad every one of those white pieces of shi---
sorry I mean riche people, turn and stare even a few slaves watched cause none of saw her the whole day, wel almost I saw her while she's fighting with her husband then nothing... Not looking at the man the master replied:
"She was tired so she went to bed early today, have a problem with it?" healthe questioned mockingly
The man frowned at his rudness.

After the dinner all the guest left I went back to my chores.
It was starting to get late and everyone was already asleep. Suddenly I heard someone open the door of the dinning room, as a reflexe I grabed a knife and went to the back. I saw a shadow walking out of the house to the forest. As I followed the figure I could see it had a huge bag with it and suddenly I saw.....
The master he then shoved the

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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