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"...ody.....melody....Are you fine" I could here some one calling me but who
"Ugh what happened where am I" I asked
"in master halima's dining room get up or else we'll both get wip-"
"What the hell are you two doing, I hope your not sleeping!!!" uh oh I thimk I'm in big trouble.
Sorry I have not in troduced myself, my name is Melody this guy shouting here is Master Andreas Lestonburge my boss and my greatest nightmare. He is mad cause you see he came finding me on the ground and he loves seeing me or the other slaves beeing lazy or somthin' else because he then gets to punish us. Oh and I forgot to tell ua slave From west Africa. My parents died a long time ago. How? Cause they tried being free and like my mom says "Chaines can hold you back but your soul is always free". Getting back to reallity I could see the master roaring at us I swear this ones crazy.
"You two better get back to your work or else...." He didn't have to say that twice we both got bac to work. Oh and may I introduce you to my sis' and best friend Mariam. Even though the master had changed them we still called our selves by our original names. Even though I never remember mine. Thank to Mariam (who gave me this name). So as I said we continued our sweeping in the beautiful dining room. I still don't get why I fainted but it can not happen again or else... Lets just say I won't see the sun rise again. When we finished we went outside to help Rokiatou with the garden. I just love outside its so clean and the sent of the fresh air in my-
"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" uh oh.... This must've been Mrs. Aber the master's wife. We all quickly ran to her room to find out it was Kadiatou who'd broken a vase by accident, but the white lady didn't care about it she grabbed the girl by her hair and went to her husband.
"Look dear I want this thing to be punished she broke my brane new vase so wipe her well and now" her arogance matched perfectly to her uglyness. Everyone knew, even the master, that Mrs. Aberwel has, how could I say this, issues with her hair and since Kadidia has a perfect and healthy hair she'd always get tortured by Mrs. 'cause of her hair.
Not wanting any explainations the master grabed his wip and went out to show all the other slaves. And their started Kadidia's punishment. Not thinking Mariam stood up to this in justice and decided to defend her (not the first time).
"Are you seriouse" she claimed in anger, "punishing her for an accident is not roght sir" she knew what she's doin' wasn't safe and she knew she could get kild but for freedom and justice she even kill herself, "I saw the vase she broke and as I know Lady Aberwel had always been wining 'bout how the vase was ugly and unusful so I thin-" she couldn't finish her sentence and got a smack from behind everyone stood in shock the smack had come from Mrs. and I could see she wasn't pleased at all.
"Hn... Who knew you'd start you ride manners again you silly ugly bitch! who do you think you're talkin' to I'm LADY ABERWEL LESTONBURGE, not you're friend bitch!!!!!!!!"
There she was all bloody with bruises this always heppened especially when some one would stamd up to Mrs. Amberwel... As I thought of this I was thinkin' of how unfair life was but something tells me one day we'll be free..

MY MUSICAL KEY TO FREEDOMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora