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March 23 2017
11:45 am
Amanda Justice p.o.v

I wake up with a loud noise coming from my window. I sigh as I get up and close the window. It's a garbage truck. Of course it's a garbage truck with its loud truck noise. They wake me up almost every morning. I walk over to my bed and get in my covers again and close my eyes once more.

What happened last night?

I can't remember a thing. Probably the only thing that happened was me getting drunk with my friends and fooling around with a boy again. Giving almost all of my money to alcohol like always. Why am I like this?

I open my eyes as I hear the front door ring. Who is it at this time of the morning? As I get up I look at the clock.

11:46 it reads.

I guess It's not that early. But I'm extremely tired. I get out of my room, walking towards my front door. I open it, seeing a family.

"Amanda!" The little girl hugs me tightly. I hug her back.

"What's up?" I say pulling back. Looking at the little broken girl. She gives me a toothy yet shy grin making me mirror her.

"Hello I'm Anna, Faye's new mother. We adopted her last month. She is a good little sister for our daughter. We all love her so much." The mother smiles.

"I'm so glad. It broke my heart to see how she wouldn't talk. She lost her parents, a kid should never see that happen with their own eyes. We became best friends and she trusted me and that's enough for me to be happy." I say and look at the little girl. She gives me the cutest smile. I wish she could stay here all the time.

"Yeah I agree but shes happy now, with us, with her new family." The mother says.

"Come in, please." I say opening the door wider for them to come in.

"No that's okay. We have to be somewhere in a little. We should get going. But thank you for everything you have done." The mother smiles warmly and grabs Faye's hand.

"I'll see you later then, little one. I love you. Take care." I say as they all smile and wave at me as they go.

I close my door and start walking to the kitchen. I still have school today though. I didn't attend my normal classes at least I'll attend my psychology class.

As I get the cereal my phone rings. I grab it and see Denice's name light up. I hit the green button, putting my phone between my shoulder and ear.

"Hey girl, whatcha doing?" Denice says. She's probably in class or something.

"Nothing much. Just doing some breakfast for myself. Woke up a second ago." I say in a bored tone.

"Mhmm. Sounds fun. Are you not coming to school today? You never did this before." Denice exclaims.

"Oh yeah, no I'm coming today don't worry. Last night was tiring. I don't remember a thing about last night though. We went somewhere new right?" I ask.

"Yeah it was a place we haven't went before." She coughs.

"It looked mysterious though. Good thing we tried that place out. Was it fun? Man I don't remember anything." I sigh.

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